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Is my scope ruined?

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Hi Guys,

Quick question from me, and I am hoping the answer is no....

I have a Celestron C8 SGT and have managed to ever so slightly scuff the glass element when replacing the lens cover. It is only very small and is only visible when at a certain angle, but I am worried that I have ruined the scope. I tried to take some pics but it didn't show up in the picture.

2 questions on this, I haven't touched the glass yet, but is there any way to buff the scuff out? and also, will a small scuff ruin my viewing or imaging?


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is there any way to buff the scuff out? and also, will a small scuff ruin my viewing or imaging?

I'd leave it, the effect on viewing will be very small indeed unless the defect is huge ... chances are it's only the coating that's damaged but "buffing the scuff out" will definitely make things worse rather than better.

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visually I doubt you will notice the difference. I don'ty know if it will affect imaging. neverthess its not a good idea to put any abrasive on the glass to try and buff it out. sct's have a fairly thin front corrector plate (a lot thinner than a mak) if that breaks the chances of finding a front lens that matches your mirror is remote as they are factory matched. If it breaks its back to celestron for a new corrector plate and mirror and by the time you have added carriage its probably cheaper to get a new one. I think you will find its probably going to be alright. but as Alan said leave it . You would be surprised how many second hands scopes are sold with dings on mirrors and things which don't affect the visual quality.

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Thanks for the replies everyone!

So I will most definitely leave it alone then, don't want to make it worse. I have a telescope lens cleaning kit and a lens pen for my DSLR. Would this be ok to at least clean the glass carefully? It's getting a little bit water marked from dew.

I know it's probably a silly question but want to make sure I'm cleaning it correctly as not to make anything worse than it already is.


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I think the Baader kit is OK for correctors because they are akin to a lens rather than a mirror. I used it to clean the meniscus lens on my mak-newtonian and it came up really well. Follow the instructions carefully and get the Baader micro-fibre cloth as well - it's excellent.

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There is a telescope in Texas with 6 bullet holes in the primary mirror...

worked better after it was shot apparently...

(note, this may be the exception rather than the rule!! I don't recommend taking a magnum to your corrector plate to solve the problem -- not even the ice-cream type)

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It reminds me....

I imported after spending a LOT of money and waiting a loooong time, an 12" Lx SCT optical tube....

Couldn't help myself, as soon as it arrived I had to unpack it and "check it out" - It was rather big so I gently laid it on a carpet with the correct lens facing me.... looked absolutely perfect, pristene and lovely (yes...you know what's coming next....)

I briefly left in sitting there to get a cloth to wipe the outer surface of the shiny blue tube......

Well, returning literally moments later.... I couldn't help but see three silver marks on the corrector ding,bing, bang... What the &&^%$

I couldn't believe it, my heart sank and I got that wet cold feeling down my leg...."this cost me thousands"- "How can this be!!" I couldn't have missed them on the first inspection... "Oh &&&^%"

As I sat back to ponder my future....my dog Lucy looked across at me - I looked at her - and she looked at the OTA....


In my absence she'd checked out her reflection in the scope and bumped her nose onto the corrector!!!!!

Luckily they cleaned off and my heart rate went back to normal....

Never mix animals with telescopes!!

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Ah I see.... Ok, any tips on cleaning the front glass element on an SCT then?


Yes, don't. It takes an awful lot of dirt to degrade an image to a noticable extent. It might just be noticable if a little bird had "paid it a visit"¹ but for anything less I'd leave it alone. You can tell what the largest acceptable size for a dirty patch is on an SCT - it's the same size as the central obstruction.

[1] in which case the motivation for cleaning it would be to stop any corrosive effects of the errr, residue.

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Guns, Dogs and now birds..... These are all things I did not see covered in Backyard Astronomers Guide. Maybe there should be a new guide book published containing real stories on what can obviously become a very bizarre hobby :)

I will leave the corrector plate alone for now, the scuff after all is pretty insignificant.

I wouldn't want to encourage a bidding war on here for my scope. Especially as the haggling is not working in my favour. I could end up paying someone to take it off my hands at this rate!! :)

Although £6.32 is tempting......

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Although £6.32 is tempting......

You drive a hard bargain......

OK, final offer. £10.43 plus a bag of Monster Munch (you can choose the flavour). I am convinced that this will be a winning bid, so anyone else can save themselve the hassle of bidding.

Paypal OK with you? eusa_pray.gif

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Please transfer the money to my offshore bank account in Nigeria... The telescope will be delivered to you on the 30th February :)

Can i have the account details :) i will out bid and go to £20

I will then give you mine :)

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Please transfer the money to my offshore bank account in Nigeria... The telescope will be delivered to you on the 30th February :)

Nigerian bank account you say?

You might know of my late uncle, General Madu Whatamatta. he died recently, leaving £134,500,000 to me in his will. I need a bank account to transfer the money over here. If you send me your bank details, I will happily reimburse you with great generosity.

Please do the needful and send my your details.

With glad tidings


Prince Kofi Shabangu Skywatcher Equatorial Mount, the Third.


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I've cleaned a C8 corrector plate with Baader wonder fluid. Came up a treat. Spray the fluid onto the special cloth, then wipe in to out, followed up quickly with a dry cloth in the same fashion. You need more than one of those lint free, microfibre type cloths.

ps I take no responsibility for you messing it up :-)

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You drive a hard bargain......

OK, final offer. £10.43 plus a bag of Monster Munch (you can choose the flavour). I am convinced that this will be a winning bid, so anyone else can save themselve the hassle of bidding.

Paypal OK with you? eusa_pray.gif

I thought Monster Munch only come in one flavour.

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