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Stargazing Live Response (possibly)

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Looking at the amount of new members after the screening of the stargazing live it has been a real success whether some of the content was a bit...... so it is great but I do have one concern regarding the number of Newbies buying either rubbish scopes or being a bit disappointed in what they will actually see with mark 1 eyeball and a amateur scope even if the scope is of good quality.

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One shouldn't assume that just because someone has just joined this forum that they are newcomers to astronomy!

To act in a superior manner would be a grave error and might serve to put folks off from joining.

You sir, speak the truth !

(I however believe myself to be still relatively 'green')


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Got given my scope for Christmas and had no idea the programme was abouit to be aired - when we saw the first promo for it, my wife said that she had comissioned it especially for me (Bless her!) - luckily I managed to get my planisphere etc before the rush!

I would love the programme to be quarterly and would like to see a bit more basic tips on what to see and where to find it (without J R) for us newbies as well as showing us the stuff we can only dream of seeing for real

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I think the remit of the program was to give broad spectrum viewing to a varied audience including those who don't have a particularly good grounding in the subject.

Personally I think the idea behind Ross and O'Briain was the popularity factor and a levelling influence on the program to bring this to the wider audience.. add wise cracks etc.

Whether this was the right thing to do or not I don't know, however, I did enjoy the program indeed. I think O'Briain was jumping in a lot to make sure that Prof. Cox didn't get too heavy with the details... oh and to stop him slipping up about his mother-in-law ... several times! lol

I just hope there will be more. One thing I think we're missing is a Cosmology channel, like these discovery channels, dedicated to all things astronomical/big bangy/quantum mechanics/theoretical physicsy. Time and time again I find myself disapointed in the selection of Ice Road Truckers (not on the ice) and Mega machines and big fish fishing blah blah.

Maybe one day!


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One thing I think we're missing is a Cosmology channel, like these discovery channels, dedicated to all things astronomical/big bangy/quantum mechanics/theoretical physicsy. Time and time again I find myself disapointed in the selection of Ice Road Truckers (not on the ice) and Mega machines and big fish fishing blah blah.

Maybe one day!


I hope they do make stargazing live a quartely program as it did make a nice change to have something interesting on the box, instead of the usual drivel. But a whole channel dedicated to cosmology - awsome!!

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I think the show was aimed at those mildly interested, to encourage them to go and have a go and as such has been a resounding success. it really doesn't matter what those who have been doing this for a while think it wasn't aimed at us. I for one enjoyed an attempt to popularize the subject and as for jonathon ross and dara I don't know how much they were paid but bbc2 I bet it wasn't much and fair play to them for taking part in the programme. don't we need to lighten up about this programme so they had 2 people who weren't astronomers, and one who wanted to have a laugh. I don't have a problem with that

I have enjoyed the company of the new people who have finally decided to spend a little of their hard earned and join us. Their excitement and enthusiasm has been a joy.

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I have enjoyed the company of the new people who have finally decided to spend a little of their hard earned and join us. Their excitement and enthusiasm has been a joy.

Cheers! I saw Uranus today, and thanks to Stellarium, I could even prove to myself that it was Uranus.

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What could be done about LP?

Not a great deal I fear, you always get those who believe that less night time lighting is bad and will result in more accidents and crime (god only knows how the human race managed before the advent of electricity). You could move somewhere dark such as Africa or Australia or mid Wales.

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I thought it was good. I also loved Wonders of the Solar System, got the book for Xmas and have just ordered the Blu-ray from Play.com for £9.99!!!

Coxy has a new series starting in March too, Wonders of the Universe. I can hardly wait for that. :D

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The only thing that spoiled it for me was Jonathan Ross. I don't really understand why he has to be involved in everything! I'm also really glad I have my Sky At Night magazine subscription otherwise I don't think I would have got my copy.

It's great to have something like this on prime time TV. Although I am a newbie on here I am not new to astronomy so to have something like this to show that it's not nerdy was brilliant.. Wonders Of The Solar System was amazing. I got the DVD when it was released and sat my boyfriend down to watch it and he was fascinated. I became a little bit less geeky in his eyes :D The accompanying book is just spectacular. Really looking forward to "Universe".

I just hope the people who rushed out to buy telescopes don't give up at the first hurdle.

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I am glad there are new people joining it doesn't matter why but the more who do it the more likely we are to get something done about light pollution, there are 5000 on this site a petition gets looked at a letter gets read 5000 letters would be a real problem for any govt minister to look at they would have to consider the matter just to get rid of us

I think this is a great idea, let's do a Tim Robbins/Shawshank Redemption letter once a week (all 8000) of us, after two years I reckon they'd be running around like my parents "screaming turn the lights off"


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I wonder if J Ross was there simply to broaden the potential audience appeal

I can think of many people who would better broaden the audience appeal - Harry Hill, Suzy Perry off the Gadget Show :?P

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I quite enjoyed Dara being on there, and I agree that I think it was to try and stop Prof Cox from getting too heavily into the science stuff that it might turn off some of the people who aren't that familiar with their inner geek yet :evil1: I do think it could be better put together though in terms of them talking over each other but I think alot of their planned sections were thrown off by the lack of clear skies so they were winging it even more than they had anticipated.

I can think of many people who would better broaden the audience appeal - Harry Hill, Suzy Perry off the Gadget Show :?P

While I wasn't the greatest fan of J Ross, H Hill would have made me turn off despite my interest in the subject.. can't stand him! Suzy Perry might have been a good alternative though but maybe she just isn't that into it... :D

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Our society (formerly 50 members) has had 10 new recruits in the two weeks since staging our series of Stargazing Live events. That's a 20% increase!! :D We had 11 new faces at our public meeting this week.

I largely enjoyed the show, although would have preferred a bit more "live" coverage from the events going on nationwide (even though cloudy, they still could have visited some events to see what various societies were up to), and perhaps more info for the beginner, such as basic telescope types and what each is suited for, what is in the sky and how to find it. These are the questions we had from a lot of our visitors.

But for the effect it has had on our society, I can't knock it. :evil1:


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Not a great deal I fear, you always get those who believe that less night time lighting is bad and will result in more accidents and crime (god only knows how the human race managed before the advent of electricity). You could move somewhere dark such as Africa or Australia or mid Wales.

Did you watch that thing last night about changing the clocks to central euro time?

That's making it dark for an extra hour with lights. Imagine the debate on turning the street lights off for even 5 mins? It would be the start of a civil war.

Everybody turn their kettle's, heaters and other wasteful things on at 9 tonight, maybe we can cause a power cut :D

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A start with light pollution may be to turn off alternate lamp posts in cities between the hours of midnight and 5 am. It would go a little way (not far enough) to appeasing astronomers, it would still leave some light for city dwellers to feel secure (not sure why it is needed). Councils would benefit with lower electricity bills (cost cutting is flavour of the month at the moment).

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One shouldn't assume that just because someone has just joined this forum that they are newcomers to astronomy!

To act in a superior manner would be a grave error and might serve to put folks off from joining.


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A start with light pollution may be to turn off alternate lamp posts in cities between the hours of midnight and 5 am

Our neighbour got so fed up with one street light that shone through his window (not for gazing purposes) that he taped up the side of the light to reduce the glare coming out at right angles to it - it has made a huge difference - if we could get these lights to have a narrower spread of light it would be a great start

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