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I am totally lost here, although computer literate (whatever that means) I can't find anywhere to post a comment!

I have joined this community as a way of learning more about what to expect from the Skywatcher 127 that I bought myself at Christmas with so far dissapointing results!

Cheers to whoever is out there, (quite a lot I imagine)

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Hi thanks for replying. I might be expcting too much I am a little unsure but was convinced that this cope was reasonable considering the outlay.

My problem is focussing. The scope came with:

10mm, barlow, and 25mm wide angle.

Only the wide angle gives any sort of reasonable result, for example last night the Moon was very bright and the 10mm would not give me a clear image.

I am contemplating buying a variable eyepiece for around £70 but don't want to throw good money down the drain if the problem is the scope or my eyesight!

Sorry to go on but I imagined crystal clear images on cold frosty nights...

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Hi Williumnohair, welcome to SGL.

I don't know if you are aware of this, but you will have to have your scope outside for around an hour, so that it, and the air that is inside the tube can cool down. You may have poor seeing due to the convection currents inside distorting the image. This happens to nearly everyone's scope, so give it a whirl and see if your viewing improves. Make sure it's secure though, some poor chap had all his eyepieces nicked from his yard the other week.

Let us know how you get on.

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Hi William and welcome to the forum.

Apart from the cooling suggestion, I am assuming that since Christmas, you have managed to focus your scope or have you always had difficulty in focusing? The reason for checking is that I wonder if its a collimation issue. As soon as you ramp up the magnification any imprecision in the light path will show up. Seeing has not been at its best so of course it might be that too.

Clear skies


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Hi William

Welcome aboard.

The 127 you have is an excellent scope.

If you are focussing ok to start with then the focus seems to go then I would suspect that it is fogging up due to dew. There is a lot of moisture in the air at the moment so the correct cooling down time is crucial.


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Thanks folks for all your advice, I admit I was viewing through an open window as I am very 'heat sensitive' and would like to hibernate through the winter!

I'll give it a go outside and leave it for a while.

has anyone used one of these as an alternative eyepiece?

AC721 Digimax-Z 7 to 21mm Zoom eyepiece projection If so would love to hear if it's worth the £70 quoted from Pulsars

Thanks again


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Hi William,

Welcome to the forum. Hope you find it useful.

I would personally avoid that zoom you have found. The 8-24mm offered by Celestron or Skywatcher is better. But there are far better options around than either zoom. Post a new thread in the equipment section and you'll get loads of replies with advice.

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Welcome William, observing through a window will explain the poor results, for specific advice best try the beginners section. But you are right to ask before buying as there are so many options with eyepieces, find out experiences with zoom eyepieces first.


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Hi Willum and welcome to SGL :D

If you're looking for a "variable" eyepiece (by which I think you mean a "zoom" ep) then the Baader Hyperion Mk2 second hand is well worth looking for. It should be around £90-£100 which is a little more than your budget but a great investment with crystal views, five field stops and smooth action. :evil1:

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