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I've always been fascinated with astronomy, but I've never attempted to take the hobby up until now. I've just purchased a pair of binoculars, a compass and a planisphere. I've also installed Stellarium and have to say I've got a fair wee bit of anticipation kindling away! I'm hoping to nurture my fascination with my recently aquired "starter kit" and hopefully I'll be splashing out on some "on-to-the-next-level kit" fairly soon...

I'll tell you what I think my biggest hurdle will be... my partner! On the announcement that I'm going to try to "get in to this stargazing malarkey" I was met with hearty laughter and talk of anoraks and the like.

Now, it's one thing to be looking at images and tutorials online, and it's quite another to be lurking around new-found internet forums at 2 in the morning... however, when I head out of a night with my bins and planisphere tucked under my arm I fear I might be getting a few tut-tuts and shakes of the head from my other half.

It got me thinking, are there others out there who like me have decided to pursue this fascinating hobby, yet knew they had to face the scepticism and "dirty little secret" -ness of it all?

Wish me luck!

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Hi and welcome to SGL from another new face. Just thought I'd mention that my partner actually welcomed me taking up the hobby - she feels less guilty about taking up the the violin now! The other thing is that she thinks Prof Brian Cox is wonderful! She also experienced the wow factor of seeing Jupiter and its moons through a decent telescope. So don't give up - wear your anorak with pride!

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Hi from me too.....yup had all that from my ex then when he saw how many relatively hunky guys were into astronomy he turned frosty haha.

Maybe when your partner sees there are some cute girls doing astro she will get onboard :eek:

Astro does suffer a geek image but thats ancient history really. The starparties i have been pretty ungeeky, more like just nice people in a field with beer, wine, telescopes and a hog roast.

Anyway welcome :)

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Hi Charley and welcome to the forum.

Take your other half along to a star party where you will see all ages, genders, backgrounds, professional and DIY kit, and most importantly of all - people really enjoyng themselves (...even in the rain!)

I gather that FLO are going to be bringing out a new range of clothing that will include an oversized duffle coat and a false comb-over that can be stuck on to help recreate that "retro" look so I would get your order in quick as I'm sure they will be sold out soon. :eek::D (been waiting for mine for days now)

Clear skies


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Hi Charley and welcome to SGL :)

Fortunately my partner is as enthusiastic about astronomy as me, only in a different way to me (as all women do lol). It just means I do all the eyepiece maths and lifting 'n' shifting, whereas she likes just looking once it's all set up.

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