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He was a lot less annoying in the 3rd program though, I wonder if he has been reading some of his criticism? I go the impression that he had actually learned something and was grateful for the guidance he had received.

We obviously watched two different programmes.

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He was a lot less annoying in the 3rd program though, I wonder if he has been reading some of his criticism? I go the impression that he had actually learned something and was grateful for the guidance he had received.

Totally agree he was spot on in the last show. Some of you have taken Ross' inclusion in this show way too seriously.

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For me the most important part is that we seize the opportunity that has been presented to us by the bBC to continue the discussions with friends and work colleagues and help them get excited by inviting them to have a look at Jupiter or a little later saturn through our scopes.

Or for those of you of a campaigning nature why not invite your MP or local councillor around...help them to understand the campaign for dark skies and how astronomy encourages others back into science etc.

I still haven't had a satisfactory answer as to why Bristol uni cancelled their adult education astronomy course in the IYA!

Back on topic I thought all three programs were great. I know they were not aimed at me, but it captured the spirit of how I feel about this hobby. It demonstrated a childlike enthusiasm and wonder that just left me smiling.

Personally I think there are lots of places to get the hard facts and info on techniques...all things best learnt through discussion and understanding anyway rather than just watching. If SGLive can set a spark in an enquiring mind and provide an encouragement to start the journey of discovery we've all enjoyed then it has to be heralded a success.

Well done BBC, well done SGLive and well done all of you who've been such great advocates for our hobby.


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I get your points and I too enjoyed the shows, my own opinion about Ross is nothing more that my own opinion and I neither expect or wish anyone to agree with me as I do not agree with others who liked him on the programme.

It is just me being an old fogey, I will never get why everything today has to be hip to be valued.

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I find it funny that the BBC programme controllers were sitting around the table thinking that J Ross a 40 something Radio2 presenter (in the vernacular of the old) 'is down with the kids' and would encourage anyone young to take up astronomy.

His brief appearance on all three programmes wasted time (which was short) on inane ramblings pushed on us by his self deluding ego.

I couldn't put it better;)

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Thanks for the support nebogipfel. I suppose the debate will always be. I guess like any interest or hobby, we can feel a little precious about it and will often disagree on how best to encourage new blood into the world we love.

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Great show and i was very impressed with the comment from Ross highlighting that all these lovely images being shown are great but nothing like what he was seeing through the scope. Well done to him for pointing that out as it can be very disappointing the first time you look through a scope.

He also praised the fact an astronomy program for being almost prime time so like him or loath him his hearts in the right place as far as astro is concerned.

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The 3rd programme seemed to go a lot better than the first two. The Hawaii slot really worked well this time and was interesting, JR was a lot better and his comments were good, and some good space travel bits. Really enjoyed it and sad it's finished now. Really hope they set this up as a yearly or twice a year event.

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Can we keep this on topic folks :D



Sorry, think it was me who accidentally took it off. I wasn't criticising them - There's actually a positive review of mine in there for them. I just wanted to give the chance to visit that part of the site for a balanced picture which is why I referred them to there rather than say anything good or bad in here myself.:)

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As someone quite new to the hobby, I really enjoyed the 3 programmes, each better than the previous one i though. Even my wife watched them with some interest!!

I would have liked more actual astronomy, but hey ho, those clouds didn't help. Maybe next time they could have some footage recorded so amateurs can see what to expect through a scope.

Also, I've never liked Dara before, but he came across really well.

Overall though, a very enjoyable viewing experience - I now have the bug to start attempting astrophotography!!

I look forward to Dr Cox next series starting in March :)


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I would of hated to get that phone bill to the ISS.

No doubt the cost would of been Astronomical. :D

Sorry, I'll grab my hat now.

Boom Boom !! Very poor but it made me chuckle to myself. :)

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I think that overall the beeb should be congratulated on putting together this rather innovative set of live shows. I actually liked the way it was presented and I am sure it will get quite a few members of Joe public to look up in the night sky and some will get hooked. Some great images of the space station and the magic live meteor trails.

I also think the presenters were engaging and rather enjoy Brian Cox's delivery , he is enthusiastic and knowledgable. It was probably not aimed at the likes of me a lifelong stargazer but did I enjoy it? Sure Did!



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If all you took from the show was your personal dislike for a certain person,then you missed the show and the whole concept of it.

It was a fantastic show in the respect that it got people interested. Just look at how many new people joined here. Those people are just a small fraction of the number of people who watched the show. I'm sure every other astronomy forum is experiencing the same influx of new member. Not to mention how much sales of scopes etc has gone up.

If i was not already into the hobby, i would be now.

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"He who sups with the devil should have a long spoon"? - Not quite sure, who, of the trio (quartet?), is pulling off the illusion the best... Possibly Dara! But it's a good-enough program, for the X-Box generation? As a kid, I had "Tomorrow's World", and the "Tank-Topped Warriors", of the OU, as geek-inspiration"? :)

I still believe, ultimately, it won't be the 42-year old "Boyish Charms" of BC <yawn>, or the self-preening "Wossy" who swings it? Given sufficient EXPOSURE, science will still (hopefully!) stand on it's own (shuffling, slightly self-concious?) feet. If a few, of the glimpsed... "more normal", amateur astronomers featured in the process, it'd be no bad thing though... :D

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If all you took from the show was your personal dislike for a certain person,then you missed the show and the whole concept of it.

It was a fantastic show in the respect that it got people interested. Just look at how many new people joined here. Those people are just a small fraction of the number of people who watched the show. I'm sure every other astronomy forum is experiencing the same influx of new member. Not to mention how much sales of scopes etc has gone up.

If i was not already into the hobby, i would be now.

Luckily I have a big enough brain to cope with more than one concept at a time, so my dislike of JR being on the show in no way stopped me enjoying the majority of the show when he was not on air.

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Very enjoyable show.

Sheer vanity forces me to post this clip from the show. But why is Brian laughing at my name?


And why not, although I recognised your name immediately.

I think Coxie knows you as well :D.

Oh!, and well done on the Pic.:)


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