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Hello from a newbie

big s

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Hi im Big S from Stoke,after looking through my mates telescope and seeing jupiter i was hooked,it was only a small 3" telescope but what i saw blew me away,so together we have split the price on a brand new 8" skywatcher and awaiting its arrival and cant wait,ive always been interested in the stars etc and seeing jupiter has made me want more.love the site and i have already learned loads from the posts and i look forward to learning more:hello2:

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Hi Big S and welcome to the forum.

Looks like you've a nice arrangement with the purchase of the new scope. I recall memories of my brother and myself opening joint presents at christmas. It started off nice and polite with the use of phrases like, "....no, no, after you" and "no you open that bit and then I'll do what's left" but it very quickly became stressful with "...c'mon you've had long enough....MUM!!!!!!!!":D:D:D Sounds a great idea but you'll both have to time yourself at the eyepiece otherwise it's going to be handbags at dawn!:o:D

Best of luck with the new gear when it arrives and the weather too!


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Hi and welcome. Funny how the astro bug gets you. I have a 200mm reflector and i can honestly say that when you and your friend get yours you will be amazed at what you can see.

If you thought jupiter was good through the small scope then just wait until you get your new one.

Best of luck and clear skies.

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