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iPad useful?

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Has anyone had a go at using the iPad for any astronomy related tasks, eg star maps, scope control, image processing? I have an iTouch with StarMap Pro and Moon Atlas on it (excellent apps!) and I was wondering if the iPad was worth the upgrade. Bigger screen, but bigger hole in the wallet if dropped!

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I use one.

I use a few apps, such as goskywatchP and observatory. helps me figure out a few names of stars that i dont know.

Also.. its great for showing others my images. and I have twice recently used it to bring up my images of certain objects to help a fellow imager be sure if his scope is aimed correctly before commencing captures.

Also DSS browser is useful if you are about to image or observe an object, it shows a picture so you can be sure you are on the right target.

oh.. and it also annoys the chaps that cant convince their wives that they need one :blob10:)

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Stop trying to justify it to yourself :blob10:

A laptop will be far more useful and versatile.

The laptop is busy with scope, camera and guiding control. I suppose a separate netbook would be a more sensible (and cheaper) option, but hey, the iPad just looks good!

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  • 4 weeks later...

My partner has a fuly loaded iPad. The only astro app on is Star Walk which is pretty neat. It produces a stellarium tyoe view and it knows which way and which angle your looking and gives you a graphic representation of the sky. It also gives rise and set times for the planets, moon etc.

Its rather neat - now if only there was a bluetooth interface for the HEQ5 :o

On the downside the iPad is relatively fragile and I am not sure whether I;d want to risk it in a wet field with cold hands and heavy items of gear around.

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My partner has a fuly loaded iPad. The only astro app on is Star Walk which is pretty neat. It produces a stellarium tyoe view and it knows which way and which angle your looking and gives you a graphic representation of the sky. It also gives rise and set times for the planets, moon etc.

Its rather neat - now if only there was a bluetooth interface for the HEQ5 :o

On the downside the iPad is relatively fragile and I am not sure whether I;d want to risk it in a wet field with cold hands and heavy items of gear around.

There are many bluetooth interfaces that you can use on the HEQ5/EQ6 or any scope with RS232 control. They cost around £30 to £50 have a standard RS232 D-type output identical to the PC. You can then plug in the standard mount handset lead into it as if it were the PC. But dont plug it directly into the HEQ5 or EQ6 mount in place of the handset as this connection is TTL and will be fried by the RS232 voltage levels.

I think an IPad or IPhone are neat but would you really want to be carrying it around in the dark with the danger of dropping it?

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I agree - I;d be nervous with an iPad in the dark. If you had a fixd site it would be neat but I am often out on uncertain footing, strange fields in the middle of nowehere etc

When your setting up/packing up a biggish scope with all the paraphenalia its easy for stuff to get busted. I hve dropped a few EPs in my time. An EP is pretty robust so long as it lands on grass whereas an iPAD might not fare so well.

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I thought I wanted an iPad for all that stuff and then my wife and I got each other a Kindle for our anniversary.....sad I know but we love to read.

Anyhow I still use the laptop for doing all the astro stuff and use the Kindle for reading all my astro books.

As good looking as the iPad is I've since realised that I dont really need one at all.

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I have to post here

Ok I am an Apple person being a graphic designer and using a Macs but I have to say the iPad is fab there are some really fab astronomy apps for it and these will only improve in fact some of them already have the ability to control telescopes don't be fooled by the folks writing it off as a 'giant iPhone' it's

much more than that the software / operating system behind it is the most important thing if you think of how the iPod started out and how it is now that is the way the iPad will evolve and I would say this even if some other company had created it. I find I use it for email, web browsing, downloading music, video, it's so handy just to pick up (video particularly looks fab especially 'Wonders of the Solar System' ) but Im biased, but make no mistake the software behind this is ground braking and other software companies are already taking it on regardless of what you think of Apple as a company they have always strived to be at the cutting edge!

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I agree its a beautiful device but I don't think its practical for my needs. I need to control a DMK camera while stood next to the scope, and perhap control the scope itself with eqmod. This requires usb interfaces, and I don't think there's a eqmod 'app'. Nice for a seperate planetarium display though.

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total mac devotee here. I have an iPad but I haven't really used it for astro purposes (other than spending hours and hours and hours....... looking at new gear and toys to buy!)

I do use my iphone quite a bit though:

compass to point mount north

polarAlign to double check where polaris should be in my polar scope

Starchart to find the obscure alignment stars the HEQ5 wants to use!

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Of course don't try and multi-task on it.


sorry cant help myself

hahaha - you will be able to once the update in Nov is relased, together with printing.

My missus has just got one and I think its great. I have already loaded GoSkyWatch which is fantastic. It knows where it is pointed and shows the sky.

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I have to post here

Ok I am an Apple person being a graphic designer and using a Macs but I have to say the iPad is fab there are some really fab astronomy apps for it and these will only improve in fact some of them already have the ability to control telescopes don't be fooled by the folks writing it off as a 'giant iPhone' it's

much more than that the software / operating system behind it is the most important thing if you think of how the iPod started out and how it is now that is the way the iPad will evolve and I would say this even if some other company had created it. I find I use it for email, web browsing, downloading music, video, it's so handy just to pick up (video particularly looks fab especially 'Wonders of the Solar System' ) but Im biased, but make no mistake the software behind this is ground braking and other software companies are already taking it on regardless of what you think of Apple as a company they have always strived to be at the cutting edge!

'er indoors might be getting an iPad for Christmas. Although only recently an iPhone user, she loves it and has expressed interest in the iPad. I've been thinking of getting her one but fear the practice Apple has used in the past of obsolescing early models in order to sell more gear. I'm also put off by the lack of multi-tasking. I realized that mt was added to the iPhone as an OS upgrade and that the same is likely to occur with iPad; yet I worry.

Perhaps I lack the courage to be an early adopter.

Care to share any vision you have for the future of iPad OS and functionality?

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There are many bluetooth interfaces that you can use on the HEQ5/EQ6 or any scope with RS232 control. They cost around £30 to £50 have a standard RS232 D-type output identical to the PC. You can then plug in the standard mount handset lead into it as if it were the PC. But dont plug it directly into the HEQ5 or EQ6 mount in place of the handset as this connection is TTL and will be fried by the RS232 voltage levels.

I just saw this...

RS232 Serial Port to TTL Converter Module MAX232 on eBay (end time 23-Oct-10 15:52:29 BST)

and remembered this thread. Would that do the job to connect it direct to the mount?

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