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I'm wratty....I have just bought a Meade LX200 8" UHTC SCT and yes I have lots to learn, in fact nearly everything!

I'm in East Anglia, and live quite out in the styx with lovely darkness above, shame it's shrouded in cloud at the mo'.

My aims are viewing and astro-photography so any help or advice over the coming weeks/months/years will be warmly welcomed.



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Thanks for the welcome folks...

Haven't thought about much yet, I only got the scope y'day and been working out how to operate today, then cloudy tonight...:-(

Do star parties welcome total useless n00bs?

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Well... the sky cleared enough for a short session watching the moon and its beautiful cratering. WOAAH!! I only wish I had sussed where the filters fitted BEFORE half blinding myself on its brightness. :-/

I only have 2 eyepieces at the mo' 26mm and 9mm meade 5000 series and struggled a bit with the 9mm, the moon moves damn fast eh!

Clearly I haven't sussed the alignment yet, the scope missed the moon by a good 6", even I can find the moon, lol.

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Hi again Wratty - yes you can go to Kelling as a day visitor free - on the main weekend there's loads of trade stands (sat/sun 11/12 Sep).

Take a wonder round the observing fields and see all the kit - hang around after dusk and most people will be happy to give you a look through their scopes.

First time we went we stayed very late and wound up kipping in the car lol :D

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Welcome from the light-polluted skies of Poole!

Good alignment is vital for the GOTO to work properly. Be aware that the moon can be particularly tricky to get spot-on, as it moves so fast. Make sure that your location is entered as accurately as possible, the time is spot on (set your watch to the second from GMT website before you start), you enter Daylight Saving Time correctly (I avoid this problem by setting it to GMT and saying No to DST) and (a favourite problem) the date is entered in the correct format (a lot of scopes use MM/DD/YY instead of DD/MM/YY).

Oh yes, and levelling the scope accurately pays dividends!


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Hey folks,

Well you all seem like a nice and warm bunch, which is cool!

I have a fork mount, but the plan is to build a small obseravtory in the garden, I have a cunning plan already and then mount the scope pretty much permanently out there on a suitable wedge mount for photography. To be honest it's a bit big for me to lugabout all the time and it doesnt fit in the car very well, so I can't see me taking it out much....lol

I wish you all crystal clear skys, not the total cloud block I have here at the mo'


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