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Hello from a newcomer!

sam mundell

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Hi, this site was recommended to me by my friend Peter Struve, so I thought Id join!

My name is Sam, and I live on the South coast. Im a very keen amateur astronomer, doing a Science degree with the OU.

Have 4 kids, married, and spend as much time as I can reading astronomy books and studying! Which is no mean feat when you have a house full of kids and noise!!

Nice to meet you all!!


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There are some nights when I just get my telescope out and work my way round the sky, with a book next to me, so I can work out what Im seeing. Like I say, Im a very amateur astronomer, but im learning! In particular, I love observing Jupiter and Saturn, infact Jupiter has been great to observe the last couple of weeks, as im sure you all know!! Ive done a couple of astronomy courses with the OU as part of my degree, and im hoping to start a level 2 Planetary Science course in October. If I do well in that, then im going to try and get on the Observing the Universe course, which includes a week at an observatory in Mallorca. Ive been fascinated with the night sky for so many years, but its only been in the last few years that ive stepped up my passion, hence the degree! To me, there is nothing more wondrous than going out with the telescope and just looking upwards, the night sky never fails to amaze me. Im hoping for more clear skies when the Perseids peak!

Sorry, that was a bit longer than anticipated, but in a nutshell, I love to observe everything, but the Planets, in particular Jupiter and Saturn are firm favourites.

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Hi Sam and welcome to the forum. I would gladly move house to any location that offers a clear nights viewing! Glad you are having fun with the observing because there is a lot to see out there. Have you a favourite deep sky object?

Clear skies (...he says enviously!)


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