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Another Newbie


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Hello all,

My first post! I've been loitering for a while, picking up advice on getting into astronomy, so I thought it was high time I said hello - This forum has become a great resource for someone like me who's completely new to this.

I'll be doing my viewing from my back garden in the middle of Peterborough which probably doesn't have the best conditions. However I do go back to my parents farm in Cheshire (not far from Jodrell Bank) every month or two which should improve things.

Tonight was my fist night observing the sky properly, and I think I picked a good one as it was nice and clear. I only had a pair of 10x50 binos but I managed to see so much - Andromeda, M13, and the Wild duck cluster.

The highlight was Jupiter's moons though, they were only tiny specs and I could only really see two properly but given it was the first time I had ever seen a moon other than Earth's it was pretty special.


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That's a smashing first night Dave - you saw a lot more than my first night a few years ago. Not too far East from you you're into some very nice dark campsites - a weekend away under canvas might not be a bad idea lol.

Welcome to the group :eek:

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Thanks for the welcomes.

Brantuk - good point about the camping out in the East Anglian 'wilderness', its not something I'd even considered.

I think I got lucky with the conditions for a first night - the sky was clear and the orange glow of Peterborough was not as intrusive as I'd feared.

Seeing a galaxy and a cluster was great, but they were still just fait smudges in the sky through my binoculars. I'm tempted to upgrade to a scope now - I was planning on holding off and seeing how I get on with the binoculars, but I think the 'bug' got me :eek:.

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Sounds a good first night Dave. I had everything set up for a nights viewing myself last night, then the clouds rolled in again just as it started to get dark :eek: Never mind, there's always tonight.

Enjoy your viewing and let us all know when you upgrade to a scope. As always there's plenty of advice to be found on the forum.

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Welcome to the group Dave

Seeing a galaxy and a cluster was great, but they were still just fait smudges in the sky through my binoculars. I'm tempted to upgrade to a scope now - I was planning on holding off and seeing how I get on with the binoculars, but I think the 'bug' got me ;).

I know what you mean about the small binocular smudges tempting that first telescope purchase.:eek:

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