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I was looking for years to find a forum like this one!! Where were you whole my life :)?


Anyway, I am very glad I found this forum. I am coming from Serbia, I am 27 years old (soon will be 28 :);)), I am fascinated with astronomy, but poor enough that I cannot allow to buy good telescope. I wanted to study astrophysics, but I did not have enough money to pay for scholarship, so I am only astronomy amateur with one little telescope (enough to see Andromeda galaxy and most of Solar system planets).

Hopefully this is the right place for my needs and I am eager to start lurking around :).

All the best and see ya around, pozdrav :D

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Hi Pozdrav :)

A big warm welcome from me too. I don't have any kit just yet but doesn't stop my enjoyment at working out the night sky to see where it all is (...or should be :D) with my pair of binos. Everybody here is very friendly and supportive so if you need any good solid advice - here's the place!

I hope you have dark skies in your part of Serbia as it does make a difference.

Wishing you clear skies :D


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  • 10 years later...

So, after a hell of a decade (jeez, time is relative, but it does fly) i am back to this fine community. Less poor, a little bit more wise, i was able to bring my hobby to a bit higher level. I am gathering equipment for astrophotography, something that i wanted to do since, well, ever, and thanks to my good friend and collegue who thought i will find better use of her Panasonic G2 Lumix, who gave it to me as a gift, i am one step closer of achieving that. Hopefully, i will find the answers i need that i will be looking for in the future. 

Hello again and looking forward  of meeting you and learning new things over here. :)

Clear sky

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