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UK Observing

Aussie Observer

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Hi everyone,

In about 7 weeks time I will be in the UK. Hopefully I will be able to do some observing whilst I am there, in particular I want to finish the Messier list (the objects I can't see from here in Australia). I am bringing with me a Skywatcher Heritage 76 tabletop dob- a great little scope by the way. What is the weather usually like in May for observing? I will be travelling around through England and Scotland for about 3 weeks until the beginning of June.

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I believe the word is 'variable':D.

If you catch it well, the evenings will be really nice. Should have lost the bitterly cold nights of winter. And hopefully it will be a bit clearer than we have had for the last weeks [been a total wipeout here for I can't remember how long:(]. IMO May is a good choice.

If you can give a little more detail on your itinerary, I'm sure some locals will be able to give really good ideas for local 'dark' sites - if you are coming to the south coast, you will need them!! :(

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You will need to stay up late because the nights are long in May especially towards the end of the month. The nights are longer the further north you go. Probably 90% of nights are cloudy but with that quick grab and go set up you should be able to catch plenty of clear gaps.

As mentioned, light pollution is a big issue across most of the country but there are some great dark locations in Scotland.

Hope you have a great trip

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Fortunately you may have chosen a good month, it's my favourite month of the year (not just because it's my birthday). On the South Coast the nights are still usefully long but the temps are just right, the dew has settled down, the summer constellations are in full swing and the nights can be beautifully clear. Of recent times, May tends to be our best month. Summer comes early in May and then the summer months are rubbish. So fingers crossed it will follow the recent trend for you.


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Fortunately you may have chosen a good month, it's my favourite month of the year (not just because it's my birthday). On the South Coast the nights are still usefully long but the temps are just right, the dew has settled down, the summer constellations are in full swing and the nights can be beautifully clear. Of recent times, May tends to be our best month. Summer comes early in May and then the summer months are rubbish. So fingers crossed it will follow the recent trend for you.


Well thanks Russ, I know what sort of May we are in for now! This is going to come back to haunt you :(

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Thanks for all the replies. I haven't as yet worked out an itinery. I will be arriving on Monday 17th May in London. Will probably spend a few days there with my daughter before beginning travelling. The Messier objects I require are as follows: M34, M51, M52, M63, M76, M81, M82, M94, M97, M101, M106, M108, M109. Then I will have the whole list and hopefully the only member of my club at present to do so.

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Hi Aussie Observer and welcome to SGL. May is often a reasonably good month for weather especially the west coast of Scotland, however... much of May is fairly light in Scotland and you'd probably be better off looking for most of these further south. There's a fair number of areas with comparatively dark skies in Wales, South West England, Wiltshire, Dorset, Norfolk, Lincolnshire and so on so I guess it depends if your itinerary takes you near any of these areas.

Fingers crossed you can knock these all off :(


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Hi and good luck with that. If your anywhere near Gatwick airport and free your welcome to join me (assuming the weather is clear) for a view with a bigger scope. I have an 8" with GoTo which would hunt those Messiers for you :(

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Hi Aussie and welcome to the group.

If you're near the East Midlands (Nottinham/Derby/Leicester area) at any stage - get in touch on here and maybe we can arrange a visit to our darksite for you (assuming the weather's good at that time of course). Look up East Midlands group (EMS) in Communities/Social Groups in the menu above.

Cheers :(

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