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Good astronomical baby names?

Astro Adj

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Something a little bit different for a Wednesday afternoon...how do you lovely people feel about suggesting a name for my first little one?

My wife is expecting Baby to make an appearance early next month, and we are still a bit stumped for names. We don't know if Baby is going to be a little boy or a little girl, but I thought it might be interesting to see what names other people devise! After all, what better inspiration for a name than the heavens themselves?

So far I quite like Altair for boy, and Maia and Dione for a girl.

All suggestions welcomed! :D

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Frank Zappa called his daughter 'Moon Unit', which works for both boys and girls I think?

(He son was called Dweezil, which I don't reommend!)

I wanted to call our son 'Abraxus' as, when converted to the Greek alphabet, each letter has a value. They all add up to 365 and there are 7 letters in the name. My wife said it sounded like a throat disease, so I settled for Isaac. She thinks it's because it means 'he will be happy' but you and I know it's after Sir Newton!)

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Why not pick a "normal " name.So many people give their kids weird or unusual names these days that when a more old fashioned or common name is used that in itself makes it unusual.

I so love it when a celebrity actually gives their kids a normal name.

Congrats btw.

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That's your equipment budget out the window for the next 20 years then. :D

As for names, why does the kid have to have a strange or offbeat name? It probably won't thank you for it when it gets to school and it may put it off astronomy for life!

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:D:hello2: Congratulations! :D:hello2:

Can't think of any boys' names except obvious ones like Charles (as in Messier) and Patrick (as in Moore).

There are a lot of beautiful girls' names, though..

Celeste, Aurora, Selene to name a few.


Yeah.. that one, too.


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