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North America Nebula sketch


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This one was done out of sheer curiosity just to see how well i'd be able to see NGC 7000 with the 80ST. The moonless night's transparency was better than average though, and the nebula was definitely visible without help from the filter. But the O-III really made the structure pop and neatly defined the nebula's borders. I used the blending stump as a pencil.. gives it a velvety soft look right from the start. A patch of 9B graphite (very soft and dark) was scribbled onto a scrap of paper, and the stump was rubbed onto it to gather the graphite, much like applying paint onto a brush. You have to be careful, because the amount of graphite on the stump varies with each application and too much graphite might get placed onto the paper. But if it's too dark you can lift a bit off with a kneadable eraser. Here's the original black-on-white (my preference) and also the inverted version for a more at-the-eyepiece feel. Thanks for looking. :)



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Another testament to your skill Carol.

It cannot be easy to translate that object to paper, but you have done, and a superb job you've done too.

You must have infinite patience.:)


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Thanks! :)

Patience? Well, yes and no. It takes time, that's for sure. This one took an hour and ten minutes, but sketching relaxes me and the feeling of being 'im'patient just isn't there. Sometimes it gets a bit frustrating though, like when i see things in the eyepiece and am unable to adequately transfer them to the paper. IMO though, it's our imagers who have the patience of saints... Kudos!! ;)

Hi David, i used a Meade 32mm Super Plossl which gives about a four degree field of view with that particular scope.. that's eight Full Moons. The 80ST is an 80mm richfield achromatic refractor with a focal length of 400mm and a focal ratio of f/5. It's an absolutely wonderful instrument and i've been kicking myself for not having bought one a lot sooner than i did. :)

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Yikes, am I ever impressed. I have to admit that I can NEVER see this one. I have laid on my back with big bins while a kindly helper shone a laser at it, I have tried the lot, but it eludes me. I've just managed the Horsehead, really just, but never this. But have I tried O111? Don't think so, so in eight or nine days I'll be after it again.

Great sketch. Thanks for the inspiration.


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Thanks, and best of luck to you both. :)

Olly, the O-III will help, but if you've detected the Horsehead you should have no problem at all with ngc7000, it's definitely bright enough. Maybe your fov has been too narrow and you couldn't 'see the forest for the trees' as the saying goes?

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