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Total kit spend


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Hmm - not a good thread... Lemme think...

Mount: £650

AP102ED: £500

C8: £625

ZS66: £250

GSO 8": £350

Baader Steeltrack: £250

GSO 6": £250

SXV-H9: £1100

Pier: £150

Obsy: £2000

Focal Reducers/Barlows/Lenses: £500 ish

So that works out about £6k! Erk!

But then I've taken 28 finished images since January, and about the same in the previous 6 months, so call it about 60 per year - so thats about £100 per image...


Going to go and lie down now :)

Thats not including the losses I have made on getting the wrong kit previously either!


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I spent £2511 last September with FLO and already had the Meade eyepiece set , the Revelation quartz diagonal and the Meade LPI so I reckon in al about £3000. I wouldn't mind if I actually got to use it all every now and then.


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I have not added up my gear for a while for obvious reasons, the last time I did it I near on ended up feeling suicidal. All that spend and nothing but clouds. Just did it again and after the recent round of spending it comes to a total of 34,200. That doesn't include the cost of selling unwanted gear at knockdown prices. I could justifiably add into that the fact that I moved house just to get to a dark site, another 300k+.

Ah well, where did I put those pills?


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Well, on a positive note, at least we've all helped the shore up the economies of several countries!


I agree Phil, they joke at work that I am personally dragging the UK out of recession with the amount I buy, and as I normally get it delivered at work they see the stuff, well my excuse is that I am starting again from fresh.

I gave up smoking about 5 years ago saving thousands I don't drink so much now so what else to do with the money?

BTW yes it is a frightening amount!

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Its not real money on a credit card anyways is it? :)

My wife reads this forum (hello gorgeous) and she is well aware that I have spent only a few pounds on kit over the last 18 months.

As I explained to her, CCD cameras are MUCH cheaper than normal cameras because they dont have all the extra controls etc.

Seriously, we should be able to play at least as hard as we work, no?

On a cost per image basis, working on 100 flats, bias, darks, flat darks, lights, test images etc I am pushing 0.03 pence per pic.

Besides, zero is zero, so adding one or two to a figure should make any difference, as far as I understand it? ? ?

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When I started in astronomy in 2004 I wanted/needed it to cost me as little as possible as I had no idea how much I was going to enjoy the hobby so I did keep a spreadsheet on the go. This included some nice big negative numbers as I was swapping one hobby (Amateur Radio) for another (astronomy) so I convinced myself and my wife that the money I got from selling my amateur radio gear (£1,696.98) was 'free money' and that 'Christmas and birthday' money and the sale of an old PC was also fair game!! I got a ton of gear for that including my mount, two telescopes, a guide 'scope, PDA, DSLR, Webcam, Power Tank and a grab 'n go mount and I was still £151.00 in the clear!

Then I really got the bug and 'needed' a dome, pier, GoTo upgrade, CCD camera, filters, coma corrector, field flattener you know the sort of thing I mean ..... I have just totted it all up and I mean everything including down to 'T' adapters and memory cards and *gulp* I have spent somewhat more than I had expected!!

However, I like to put these things into perspective and I rather like the 'cost per image' system already mentioned as it rationalises what I achieve with the gear and mine works out at £49.04/image, no really, I have rather anally put it through Excel (sad git!) and that is how it works out. I have based the images on the ones I have 'kept' there are many that I was not that happy with and they are excluded from the calculation which means that may cost/image is technically even less.

Is this good value? For me, yes, the pleasure that I get from selecting, capturing and processing my images is worth every penny of £49.04 especially as I don't go to shows, the pub, theatre or meals out, much preferring the 'simpler' things in life! The best bit? My cost/image improves with every successful session ......

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I have pangs of conscience, but then I think before I took up astronomy I really wanted a Land Rover and you would be taking about £3k for a decent one plus tax, servicing and fuel. Astronomy is (relatively) cheap, unless you start buying scopes that begin with T. Think my brother justified buying a Canon 5D (and some lenses to go with it) on the same basis rather than a some sporty VW!

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This is one scary thread.....

So, as the saying goes, 'a picture is worth a thousand words!"...

And I think we'll leave it there..... just in case the 'other half' should happen upon this forum!:)

Clear skies.


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When I started in astronomy in 2004 I wanted/needed it to cost me as little as possible as I had no idea how much I was going to enjoy the hobby so I did keep a spreadsheet on the go. This included some nice big negative numbers as I was swapping one hobby (Amateur Radio) for another (astronomy) so I convinced myself and my wife that the money I got from selling my amateur radio gear (£1,696.98) was 'free money' and that 'Christmas and birthday' money and the sale of an old PC was also fair game!! I got a ton of gear for that including my mount, two telesc blah blah blah

I am looking in the mirror here. Exactly how I justify it to myself.

So far my conversion to astronomy has cost me nothing from the hobby I had before. (work back and actually I funded all previous hobbies on ebay, buying and selling :))

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Yeh, but just you wait, when I start to sell my pictures for no doubt huuuuuge sums, then i'll be laughing all the way to the..............

........shoe shop. My wife likes to have a pair of shoes for every occasion, including breakfast, lunch and dinner, elevenses, afternoon tea and supper, and a rule never to wear the same pair twice in one month.

If anybody knows a way to make money via unwanted shoes please let me know, its the only way i'll ever get my Takahashi :)

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so much i am embarrassed lol

my other half knows the gory details so at least i'm ok on that front, and as i dont drink, smoke or philander she sees it as a good thing that gets me out the house and keeps me happy :headbang::)


Like you I don't drink, smoke, gamble, or fool around with other women, but this is offset by the fact that my wife buys nothing except blumming groceries! I almost wish she was a shoe-and-dress addicted wastrel type so I'd at least have an excuse for spending up on astro goodies! :)

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Well I think I am looking at around £25000 so far and that does not include books, astronomy programs , computers etc. It can get a bit out of hand :)


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