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My telescope is slewing the wrong way

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Hi everyone 

Can anyone help me please. I have  just got a new mount, a Celestron avx I put in the date, time and city which is London, but  it didn't ask for the Latitude or the Longitude ever. I'm also  using a asiair mini, so is the mount using the latitude and longitude from the asiair. Then it asked me to do a star alignment that's when the problem started one of the stars I know which was Capella this star came up as one of the alignment stars, so it told me to press enter which I did it started to slew, but the wrong way, it was slewing to  the west all the time.



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If you're using an Asiair to control the setup you don't do a star alignment, you polar align using the asiair app and control everything within the app. The asiair takes your location settings from your controlling device but your settings still have to be correct on your hand controller including time in UTC time format.

Edited by Elp
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The first time out with my avx i had the same problem. It was a simple fix make sure you enter the date,  month first then day and year i put the date in uk style. worse still was, i knew about the date , but by habit i still put it in wrong. 

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