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SGL 2023 Challenge 6 - Solar

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First the Ha

Lunt 60 with coronado RFT as D/S and 178 cam

Do thew clicky dance for full res.



Vixen 80mm f10 with Quark fha filter and Player1 apollo max cam





Full disc using FS 60mm and ZWO 178 cam and the Lunt Cak filter




AR 3354 with Vixen 80mm F 10 ZWO 178 and lunt cak filter



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Cannot wait to share this with you guys.

Everything in this animation of flare is mesmerizing to me. From the seemingly serial explosion, the elastic movement of the proms to the small flare on the AR. The seeing was not that good. But I still managed to get this 1.3 hours timelapse. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


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The Sun 13th June 2023

  • SW 72ED
  • SolarQuest mount
  • Quark Chromo
  • ASI174MM
  • Ably assisted by an ASIAir & AEF
  • Processed an AS!3 and PS
  • 3 image mosaic processed at 65% so the best 1950 frames taken from 3000.

Solar 13062023.jpg

Edited by Marke998
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Just to take part…… :)

This was taken using an iPhone 11 Pro through my Tak FC100 and Baader CoolWedge Mark II. Eyepiece was a 10mm XW and I used an MSM AllView mount. Captured using the native iOS app and processed with PS Express



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Here's a couple of shots from the 10th of June.  I captured quite a lot of information on this day because the seeing was unusually good for my location.  All captures are using my Lunt 80 PT and a ZWO ASI174MM camera plus 2.5x barlow.  My favourite shot is posted below in standard and inverted form.  All stacks are through AS!2 and tweaked in ImPPG.



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29th June white light image of AR3354. Optistar 127mm stopped down to 100mm, Hershal wedge, Zwo Asi 178mm plus 2x barlow @f20 and no barlow at f10. Processing with autostakker3, ImPPG, and Photoshop. 



Edited by Nigella Bryant
Another image added.
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The Sun 7th July 2023

  • SW 72ED
  • SolarQuest mount
  • Quark Chromo
  • ASI174MM
  • Ably assisted by an ASIAir & EAF
  • Processed an AS!3 and PS
  • Processed at 50% so the best 2500 frames taken from 5000.
  • The recording time of the video was approximately 10 minutes providing 24 gig of data to play with. I was surprised that it came out well considering I'm using an alt-az.

Sun 070720234 100645.jpg

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Another taken through my Tak FC100 and Baader CoolWedge Mark II, this time using a Google Pixel 6 Pro. Eyepiece was a 10mm XW and I used an MSM AllView mount. Captured using the native phone app and processed with PS Express.


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The seeing was pretty decent, despite the gusty wind bouncing the scope around on the EQ3-2 mount.  Very pleased to see some nice details in the Penumbra given the position of the spot so close to the limb.

60 Second video, stacked 10% in AS3, Sharpened in REG6

120mm Evostar, Lunt wedge, Asi174mm and X3 Teleview Barlow. 


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Another entry of mine. There is nothing in the solar system that comes even close to the sight of a post-flare corona rain. 

Taken 12 Jul from my 150mm solar scope with Quark Chromosphere double stacked with PST etalon. 


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AR 3363 from 2023-07-11 in good seeing. Telescope: Sky-Watcher 250PDS (250 mm f/4.8 Newtonian) with Baader ND 5 solar film, Baader planetary green + UV/IR-cut filters. Camera: FLIR Blackfly S (IMX 273). 3390 frames (7% stacked), exposure 3 ms, gain 13.2 dB. Stacked in AS!3, processed in ImPPG.


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1 hour ago, GreatAttractor said:

AR 3363 from 2023-07-11 in good seeing. Telescope: Sky-Watcher 250PDS (250 mm f/4.8 Newtonian) with Baader ND 5 solar film, Baader planetary green + UV/IR-cut filters. Camera: FLIR Blackfly S (IMX 273). 3390 frames (7% stacked), exposure 3 ms, gain 13.2 dB. Stacked in AS!3, processed in ImPPG.


Love the way the lightbridge tendrils are reaching out like two tiny pairs of arms ... :wub:

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Lunt LS60THa




Sky-Watcher EQ6 Pro


Adobe Photoshop · Emil Kraaikamp AutoStakkert! · Filip Szczerek ImPPG (Image Post-Processor) · The Astra Image Company Astra Image · Torsten Edelmann FireCapture



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I'm not winning anything with this one, but I will participate :)

Sky-Watcher 200 without tracking, SONY IMX 415 security camera, UV/IR filter, SharpCap, PiPP, AutoStakkert, Registax, Fast Stone


Edited by AstralFields
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On 19/06/2023 at 19:43, Pete Presland said:

The best frame from the GIF, with the ISS nicley positioned between the Sunspots. A straightforward single frame saved from the SER file and converted to a PNG and lightly sharpened. 

Evostar 120mm, Lunt wedge, Baader Continuum filter, Asi174mm,  


My 9yr old says, it looks like a tie fighter!

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