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ZWO Seestar 50

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Just a small update on the seestar, looks like a few pre-release models are out there and have generated a couple of youtube videos; one by astroworkz and a second by scottcastrophotography. No doubt more to follow 👌

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Very open video from astroworkz, still want to see what a few minutes from a local suburban park (sqm18.5) will show. Slightly disappointed a pro mode won’t be definitely available with options to do more clever stuff… gl

the target market may be newcomers, but I bet the bulk of the initial orders will be existing amateurs looking for cheap convenience. Never sure how easy it is to find that target demographic who would be happy to drop >£hundreds on an astro toy. However it looks like it would be a lot better than the usual “£200 shop scope” that people usually buy and then get turned off the hobby as they don’t see what they expect to. My interest level has been raised a good few notches.



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2 hours ago, PeterW said:

Very open video from astroworkz, still want to see what a few minutes from a local suburban park (sqm18.5) will show. Slightly disappointed a pro mode won’t be definitely available with options to do more clever stuff… gl

the target market may be newcomers, but I bet the bulk of the initial orders will be existing amateurs looking for cheap convenience. Never sure how easy it is to find that target demographic who would be happy to drop >£hundreds on an astro toy. However it looks like it would be a lot better than the usual “£200 shop scope” that people usually buy and then get turned off the hobby as they don’t see what they expect to. My interest level has been raised a good few notches.



They have started out this design with a basic model for beginners and those that don't care about having everything that just want some enjoyment in this end of astronomy and all for around $500 not $5000. So why would you or anyone else even think that they should cater to those that do want everything and probably would / will complain if the price skyrocketed as a result. It happens all the time ! It does get tiring, lol !

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8 hours ago, powerlord said:

Just got an email from ZWO saying delays -shipping now end August. 😩


Not surprising.

These systems have  a need for some good debugging before these can be ready for shipping, because they are targeting beginner users. If these aren't extremely reliable, it will be  a monumental fiasco for ZWO - because beginners don't have the patience of veteran users.




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You haven't used an Asiair much have you? Brilliant when they work, not so much whenever they release updates and it all goes to pot.

Edited by Elp
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to be fair, they do updates the right way - they release alphas and betas to the users who want them, they are very good at listening to issues and fixing them, and then finally when all is 'good' they release it. I don't really think you could ask for any better.

Yes - even so, there are always issues, like the ones you've had, but really I think they do a sterling job imho - I can't think of many companies who do better. They are certainly up there with what in my experience are the best of the lot - DJI, apple, insta360 etc. With traditional companies - canon, sony, etc all waay down the bottom.

just my 2c. ✌️


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  • 2 weeks later...

Given the amount of light pollution I live in and that my club dark sites are at least an hour away, I'm starting to seriously consider pre-ordering a Seestar.  I could buy another achro or maybe an apo, but I already have a 50mm, 72ED, ST80, and ST120.  I'm thinking EAA would give me a better return than buying yet another visual scope.  Operating temps, humidity, etc. could be a concern, I guess.  

Can't quite bring myself to pull the trigger yet.  OTOH, I think the intro price is good until the end of July, so I have a bit more time to ponder.


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You could just add a camera into your diagonal (plus some sort of ap controller/pc software) and see what you get, you already have better aperture to play with. Depends on your mount too.

For minimal fuss the Seestar would be the way to go.

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I was reflecting on systems like SeeStar and I have a feeling that in 3 years they will be obsolete and end up in the attic or the recycling bin.  Disposable toy that will often be bought for kids, like microscopes, and said kids, instead of becoming Ed Hubbles of our era, shall inevitably discard it after a session or two in order to immerse themselves in the worlds of Minecraft / TikTok.

Nothing against this device, but it(along with other such gadgets) have DISPOSABLE written all over them.

I think it will take still quite a few years before such systems truly deliver on their promise.

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2 hours ago, licho52 said:

I was reflecting on systems like SeeStar and I have a feeling that in 3 years they will be obsolete and end up in the attic or the recycling bin.  Disposable toy that will often be bought for kids, like microscopes, and said kids, instead of becoming Ed Hubbles of our era, shall inevitably discard it after a session or two in order to immerse themselves in the worlds of Minecraft / TikTok.

Nothing against this device, but it(along with other such gadgets) have DISPOSABLE written all over them.

I think it will take still quite a few years before such systems truly deliver on their promise.

We shall see whether your expert opinion as well as others, bears fruit or is just wishful thinking, like with other ....... ingenious gear that works for a lot less $'s ! I know where I'm placing my bet, lol.

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4 hours ago, jjohnson3803 said:

Given the amount of light pollution I live in and that my club dark sites are at least an hour away, I'm starting to seriously consider pre-ordering a Seestar.  I could buy another achro or maybe an apo, but I already have a 50mm, 72ED, ST80, and ST120.  I'm thinking EAA would give me a better return than buying yet another visual scope.  Operating temps, humidity, etc. could be a concern, I guess.  

Can't quite bring myself to pull the trigger yet.  OTOH, I think the intro price is good until the end of July, so I have a bit more time to ponder.


It will also broaden your experiences, your capabilities, a challenge if you will and will be just plain fun trying to eak out some pretty good views from what I have seen in other forums. I have some pretty good gear, some decent skies, my hats in the ring all for $500 C !  But for some maybe the money is a big, big factor !

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On 10/06/2023 at 14:49, Elp said:

Likely, I guess it's the same with anything, when it works there's no issue, when it doesn't it feels like it's the worst thing in the world.

Its been like that for decades, its not the first and it sure won't be the last. It all depends if you want to get in on the ground floor of what might be a revolution in low cost EAA or sit back and keep waiting for .......... !  Me I want some enjoyment !

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53 minutes ago, LDW1 said:

We shall see whether your expert opinion as well as others, bears fruit or is just wishful thinking, like with other ....... ingenious gear that works for a lot less $'s ! I know where I'm placing my bet, lol.

What you write makes no sense, what bet are you placing?  Is it a business bet, are you investing in EAA device production?

And why the unnecessary ad-hominem?

Edited by licho52
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1 hour ago, LDW1 said:

It all depends if you want to get in on the ground floor of what might be a revolution in low cost EAA

They have their niche target audience that's for sure so it'll certainly appeal, if you've already got the AP equipment however you can achieve better with what you have or a decent DSLR prime lens and dslr body/astro cam, for one you're not limited to the alt az configuration which is a major stumbling block (I know I've imaged in alt az). At least the Dwarf can be adapted to operate in Equatorial. For EAA this limitation I guess is not so much of an issue, and this type of equipment is so much more portable and likely less hassle to setup.

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1 hour ago, licho52 said:

What you write makes no sense, what bet are you placing?  Is it a business bet, are you investing in EAA device production?

And why the unnecessary ad-hominem?

This is a new piece of gear, I am wondering how you and some others surmise that it will be an unused one shot wonder in the future !  I think you know exactly where I am coming from, lol.  PS:  I am curious as to some ways of thinking before anything comes about, experience ?

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15 minutes ago, Elp said:

They have their niche target audience that's for sure so it'll certainly appeal, if you've already got the AP equipment however you can achieve better with what you have or a decent DSLR prime lens and dslr body/astro cam, for one you're not limited to the alt az configuration which is a major stumbling block (I know I've imaged in alt az). At least the Dwarf can be adapted to operate in Equatorial. For EAA this limitation I guess is not so much of an issue, and this type of equipment is so much more portable and likely less hassle to setup.

I really don't think they even care about the more experienced, those that have AP equipment. They are aiming for the most part at the up until now havenot's from what I am gathering for a great price than the older brands.  It seems that most of the ones that do already have the gear are the ones that seem to be either deriding this new phenomanun or are doubters before it gets here.  Its amazing but where does it come from !  PS:  My old grandmother always said ' don't knock it til you try it ' !

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There is now a more official Facebook group here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/seestar

Some interesting info coming out, definitely worth bearing in mind that this is a new product, and features will be added over time, for example

May be a Twitter screenshot of text

An interesting product that is already causing excitement and arguments around the globe, I quite fancy one myself but waiting to see some more videos of it actually live and in use

ZWO seem keen to listen to feedback and implement new features so I think this could be interesting, and maybe lead to a whole product line of Seestars in various sizes, the purists will still hate them but there is certainly a market there for ZWO to cash in on 

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As a Dwarf Labs scope owner i am totally in favour regarding the See-Stars . If , like the Dwarf it manages to bring more people into the hobby than its a win for me . 

I can only speak for the guys producing the Dwarf , but they are upgrading their product "on the fly" although the updates seem to have slowed a little . 

The one thing missing is a complete database of objects to slew to . And that has to be updated to use the location of the user . 

Hopefully the See-Stars will incorporate this . 


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I think all devices in this hobby of ours fulfill a niche; as this hobby is so varied, that niche may not be something on everyone's radar. I can’t see me requiring an electronic filter wheel anytime soon but as a device I appreciate the role it plays for different people. Likewise the seestar will hopefully fill a hole for me in being a great little grab and go for eea. It will also have a wider fov than my current setup so enabling pictures of widefield I've not even bothered going for yet. I do appreciate this iteration is never going to be an all singing all dancing AP rig but that's not currently what I want. We are all in the hobby because we enjoy it, I'm looking forward to playing when it lands 👌

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2 hours ago, doublevodka said:

There is now a more official Facebook group here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/seestar

Some interesting info coming out, definitely worth bearing in mind that this is a new product, and features will be added over time, for example

May be a Twitter screenshot of text

An interesting product that is already causing excitement and arguments around the globe, I quite fancy one myself but waiting to see some more videos of it actually live and in use

ZWO seem keen to listen to feedback and implement new features so I think this could be interesting, and maybe lead to a whole product line of Seestars in various sizes, the purists will still hate them but there is certainly a market there for ZWO to cash in on 

Nothing wrong with the arguments, disagreeing but its the deriding of this new sensation that can really make one wonder where some fellow astronomers come from !  I don't know what they think they are doing, gaining out of it ? Maybe change some minds ?

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14 minutes ago, LDW1 said:

Nothing wrong with the arguments, disagreeing but its the deriding of this new sensation that can really make one wonder where some fellow astronomers come from !  I don't know what they think they are doing, gaining out of it ? Maybe change some minds ?

The "purists " ( not all of them) who are mainly into astrophotography scoff at the whole EAA idea . Maybe it twas ever thus , i can imagine when scopes started to be mass produced , "purists" dismissing them as "toys" . I do find an undercurrent of aloofness which tends to infiltrate the hobby . (personal opinion) . Strange really , after all , we are all in this hobby together , whatever equipment we use , whatever standard we are at ( i for one  still class myself as a beginner ) . Indeed this forum encourages newcomers to the hobby to ask a question without being derided and ridiculed  even if the question be a basic one . Surely we owe the same courtesy to a new product that brings another fascinating avenue to the many people who will be put off buying the larger variants due to cost . As the hobby evolves so does the equipment albeit at differing levels and quality .

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6 minutes ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

The "purists " ( not all of them) who are mainly into astrophotography scoff at the whole EAA idea . Maybe it twas ever thus , i can imagine when scopes started to be mass produced , "purists" dismissing them as "toys" . I do find an undercurrent of aloofness which tends to infiltrate the hobby . (personal opinion) . Strange really , after all , we are all in this hobby together , whatever equipment we use , whatever standard we are at ( i for one  still class myself as a beginner ) . Indeed this forum encourages newcomers to the hobby to ask a question without being derided and ridiculed  even if the question be a basic one . Surely we owe the same courtesy to a new product that brings another fascinating avenue to the many people who will be put off buying the larger variants due to cost . As the hobby evolves so does the equipment albeit at differing levels and quality .

Agree 100% but its not the 1st time ! This great hobby is sometimes rife with this ' better than others ' shall we say comments, envy can do funny things.

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I’m quite interested in this product and actually put a pre-order in but withdrew due to other finance pressures plus began to have some doubts about how it would cope here in damp Lancashire given the <60% humidity spec.  Anyone thought about any workarounds for dew?  Asked ZWO but no reply.

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