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Everything posted by licho52

  1. The difference is ZWO brand and reputation together with AsiAir compability (big). It's much easier to sell a used ZWO camera, that's for sure. Also the red color means it collects signal faster.
  2. When it comes to aperture bigger is always better.
  3. But it is simple, you don't get signal in dark areas of the sensor at slow f ratios and you get a lot of sensor noise that's not swamped. It's something I've dealt with and it's rather logical. You must have tons of LP to swamp sensor at f/8 in dark areas with 3nm filters.
  4. Blur Xterminator fixes Redcat corner issues with ease.
  5. With broadband it's mostly true, you can use short exposures. With narroband it's still a factor however and it depends on focal ratio - with 5 or faster it's ok to do 5 min subs, but at f/6 it's 10 and at f/8 it's 15 minutes with 3nm filters. Otherwise the dark areas of the sensor basically get nothing and all you get is sensor pattern there (no, darks don't remove it).
  6. Get a 533MM to take your imagining to another level. The RC6 is an great scope but it's a bit slow and if you're going to collect faint objects or narrowband it really pays to get all the sensitivity you can. Yes it's a small sensor but you can pick up a set of cheap filters for it since you only need 1.25".
  7. Deconvolution is critical for RC scopes, only then will you see the detail the telescope is able to deliver. The difference is not small. Of course that means purchasing PI with BX if you haven't yet and their cost is more than the scope...
  8. It's geometry and there are 2 ways of dealing with it: EQ mount or rotator. This setup has none, so it's down to the small sensor and cropping.
  9. Celestron branded camera and dew shield/cable management suggests upscale electronic scope.
  10. Go with Noctua if you use long FL.
  11. The more straightforward approach is to upgrade to 10" or 12" RC with FF sensor if you're worried about narrower FoV. It'd have almost 2x(10) or 3x(12) the light gathering power plus extra resolution. Running 2 x 8" is more trouble than it's worth and you'd need 2 cameras.
  12. The half-weight for astrography rule-of-thumb is not terrible and it sort of accounts for blunders and inexperience of newbies but I'm imaging with EQ6-r at its 20kg rated weight without issues. Would it be better to have EQ8? Sure, but it's not a deal-breaker.
  13. The reviews will come from either people who have bought it already (they will love it and gush) or YouTuber Reviewers who get this stuff from Sharpstar to review (they will love it and gush). But yeah, it will be fun to watch them do flips trying to hide any glaring problems..
  14. Yeah I'd say EQ8/RC10 and AsiAir is just a mismatch.
  15. What you write makes no sense, what bet are you placing? Is it a business bet, are you investing in EAA device production? And why the unnecessary ad-hominem?
  16. People will pay that in a heartbeat if it gets them that AB IOTD. Being completely serious here. They already use 24" Planewaves, buy farms in Namibia etc etc. just to get that badge.
  17. I was reflecting on systems like SeeStar and I have a feeling that in 3 years they will be obsolete and end up in the attic or the recycling bin. Disposable toy that will often be bought for kids, like microscopes, and said kids, instead of becoming Ed Hubbles of our era, shall inevitably discard it after a session or two in order to immerse themselves in the worlds of Minecraft / TikTok. Nothing against this device, but it(along with other such gadgets) have DISPOSABLE written all over them. I think it will take still quite a few years before such systems truly deliver on their promise.
  18. Based on threads like this and on CN I come to a conclusion that SCT really do a disservice to reflectors and tend to put people off working with reflecting telescopes. I don't have any personal experience with SCT(I guess I am not losing much) but, based on the experience I do have, I know that a properly handled 10" Newtonian or Ritchey-Chretien would beat any 130mm refractor handily.
  19. Yes because mosaics are fundamentally and dramatically turning down the speed of your setup. On one hand people fall over themselves to get f/2 and whatever hyperultraspeed setups, on the other they casually mention doing mosaics with them, which are an absolute slog to capture, normalize and process. Mosaics are evil and should be avoided by anyone who has limited time/clear sky which is most people. To answer OP's question, it should work very well, I'd recommend drizzling 2x because you'll be undersampled.
  20. I have used both and Mini is significantly slower in platesolving and other operations, however if you just set it for capture then it doesn't make a lot of difference. It works very well overall.
  21. If you care about RGB and color reproduction then Redcat.
  22. I am really not sure about this idea, I'm either missing something or it doesn't work the way you think.
  23. The image seems very low-res? The stars are huge. What scope was it taken with?
  24. Perhaps they tweaked the optics in the latter batches but the first wave of FMA180 was poor to say the least.
  25. They are decent, and I didn't have suitable bahtinov mask for it at that time so the focus was approximate and so was the backfocus. I wish I had more opportunities to use it / fiddle with. It's vastly superior to FMA180 which has HORRID chromatic aberration. Another one here:
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