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Newbie in Cornwall!


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Hello all,

Just getting started down the rabbit hole of Astrophotography after a couple of years observing with a secondhand 130EQ.

Kit I have now is an RVO Horizon 72ED, Horizon 30mm guidescope with ZWO ASI120MM guide camera, unmodded Nikon D750, SW Star Adventurer 2i star tracker on a solid tripod. 

I'll be the first to admit I haven't a scooby what I'm doing yet.

Any help with focusing correctly using a Bahtinov Mask would be much appreciated!

My first image is here, certainly something to build upon!

Looking forward to getting some tips and if anyone knows any clubs/meets down in West Cornwall that'd be great.


Orion 3.JPG

Edited by MrNelz
Missing kit info
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Brilliant first image. To focus with a batinov mask like said choose a bright star and get the centre spoke directly in between the 2 star spikes that are at an angle. 

There is a local astronomy group here  http://kernowastronomers.com/ which may be close to you. Sadly I'm in North Cornwall and as I don't drive cannot attend. 


Edited by AstroNebulee
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