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My DREADFUL attempt at C/2022 ZTF!!

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Hi all, I wasn't going to post this, because I'm so ashamed of how awful it is, but I decided I might as well, because although awful, it was my first ever attempt at a comet, plus I'm still new to astrophotography, and still struggling to use editing software like Siril, Gimp etc etc. It also represents progress, because just 1 month ago, I couldn't polar align properly, I couldn't even use Deep Sky Stacker properly! LOL. So it is indeed progress! ( Please be gentle! LOL. ) 

Camera - Canon EOS DSLR *unmodified

Telescope - ALTAIR ED 66/400 APO

Mount - Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro

Filter - Optolong L-Pro 1.25"

15 x 60sec LIGHTS

ISO - 1600


Processed in Deep Sky Stacker, GIMP.

*For reference, the bright Star to the lower left of image is Capella, in the Constellation Auriga. C/2022 ZTF was easy to find on 5/6 Feb. due to being so close to Capella.






Edited by wesdon1
had to crop image due to awful vignetting!
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You are being way too hard on yourself. You have framed the comet with a bright star, and you have a registered comet and fixed stars in the background.

Imaging fast moving comets is like on page 986 of the Astrophotography manual.👍

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On 09/02/2023 at 14:10, tomato said:

You are being way too hard on yourself. You have framed the comet with a bright star, and you have a registered comet and fixed stars in the background.

Imaging fast moving comets is like on page 986 of the Astrophotography manual.👍

@tomato Aww wow, that's so kind of you to say! Thanks! I am getting better with every session outside, and my only regret is I didn't pursue this decades old ambition of getting into astronomy/astrophotography. I have loved astronomy since primary school, but my parents could never afford to buy me a telescope. Then in my late teens and 20's, I was too busy chasing woman and partying after work at weekends. It wasn't until my early 30's that I settled down, stopped partying, and FINALLY invested in  a decent telescope. I wouldn't swap this incredible hobby for anything now! Thanks again for such kind comments!

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On 09/02/2023 at 18:19, Paul M said:

I actually like it. Capella adds something to the image.

You could, if you really needed to, claim this as an image of Capella and , oh, look at that, I got some random comet in there too!:)

@Paul M hahah that's a great idea Paul! Thank You so much for commenting and such kind comments Paul.

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