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Hello everyone, hope you’re all well. Just want to introduce myself before I start asking hundreds of questions and looking for advice. 

I’ve been interested in astronomy for about half my life (19 years) with buying my first telescope, Skywatcher Dobsonian 200p about 12 years ago. I was out every clear night with it looking at the moon and planets until one day I decided to try and observe some galaxy’s but with every failed attempt and not knowing exactly where to look or what to look for the enthusiasm soon faded away. 

Fast forward a few years to 2018/19 I decided to get back into this amazing hobby once again so I dusted off the dobsonian and took to the back garden to view the planets and moon once more. (Which instantly gave me the buzz) With the help of a few apps on my phone I was able to find  M42,M45,M13 and even managed to find M31. 

By this time I was contemplating astrophotography as I’d managed to get a few snaps with my DSLR thanks to YouTube tutorials. As lockdown hit I thought it would be a good time to follow up and start taking some images as I would be spending a lot of time at home. So with very little research and only going by what a couple of YouTubers recommended I purchased some new equipment and got to it and have been hooked on it since. 

Which brings me to now, I still have very little knowledge in what I’m actually doing but I have enough to get me by. I am looking at upgrading some of my equipment so I’ve come here to find answers and hopefully hear advice as I know I have so much to learn. The last thing I want to do now is rush out and buy something then a month later buy an upgrade ( learnt from previous mistake) 

Look forward to chatting to you all and meeting some fellow enthusiasts at some star parties some time.  

Clear Skies


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Welcome! your story is not unlike many of our own starts in this hobby, including my own. When I first started I was discouraged when I couldn’t see any fuzzies in my 60mm refractor 😂 but in time as I grew into the hobby I found that it’s all about exactly that, time and patience, welcome and thanks for joining us!

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