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Hello from Romania


My name is Mircea.

I'm a retired Engineer and a life time amateur astronomer. I had my first telescope 32 years ago.

(If we do not count the singlet refractor built around an eyeglass lens.)

I like to do observations of double stars, Deep Sky objects ... and anything else.


I wish you all clear sky and goodluck at observing, Mircea


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Thank you to all of you for the worm welcome !

Usually I'm observing double stars when the Moon is up.

I hide in the shadow of the house and from there I'm perusing the double stars in the maps of CDSA or Taki.

Last week was a ''galaxy week'', what a great week. I succeeded to see again the Markarian Chain.

And the supernova 2022hrs in  NGC 4647.

But now is cloudy .

Today, in the morning, I had a last hazy view of the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction.


Clear sky, Mircea

Edited by Mircea
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Thank you dillon80uk si multumesc alexbb !



The radio telescope in your picture is that from Jodrell Bank ?

I had the chance to see it ''in flesh and bones'' in 1999 when I made my only visite to UK.

I just checked on Telescopius, there will be not much chances here for stargazing this week.

Only for Thursday and Sunday evenings, the clouds percentage will be around 35% to 40%.

Maybe observations through ''sucker holes'' ...

On those occasions I use to do small telescope astronomy : 60mm refractor or 90mm Mak. Or binocular observations.

You cannot plan anything, it is more astronomical guerilla.


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4 hours ago, Mircea said:

The radio telescope in your picture is that from Jodrell Bank ?

I had the chance to see it ''in flesh and bones'' in 1999 when I made my only visite to UK.

Yes, well spotted. I took that photo in 2018 when my wife and I went to see the telescope. It's quite awe inspiring close up. Unfortunately it was having work done on it and was therefore permanently pointing upwards. I must make the effort to go back for another look.

Looking foward to seeing you on the board.


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Thank you Dave !



Thank you for the reply.

The Jodrell Bank telescope is very impressive.

I enjoyed to visit the exposition, to see the hologram of Newton and countless other interesting things.

I have somewhere a picture of mine, holding a 10x25mm binocular, in front of the huge dish.

It reminded me the movie ''The Twins'' with Schwarzenegger and Danny de Vito ...


Regards, Mircea

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