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I wish I had gotten into Nephology....


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First clear night since middle of October last night, which is an improvement compared to last years 5 months of solid cloud cover.  In fact I did actually take some night pics last year of the clouds out of desperation. 



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20 hours ago, Andy R said:

First clear night since middle of October last night, which is an improvement compared to last years 5 months of solid cloud cover.  In fact I did actually take some night pics last year of the clouds out of desperation. 



That's actually a bloody nice picture. I would be very pleased with that. Bit short on stars, obviously but otherwise very nice indeed.

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20 hours ago, Andy R said:

First clear night since middle of October last night, which is an improvement compared to last years 5 months of solid cloud cover.  In fact I did actually take some night pics last year of the clouds out of desperation. 



Nice pic. Straight away I thought of these lyrics:

And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic mills?

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I recall travelling in Germany around the end of June, beginning of July decades ago with my wife and noted how constantly cloudy and cool it was.  I don't think it ever got above 65°F.  At the time we lived near NYC, and it was 96°F with full sun when we left Newark airport and then again when we returned to it.  It was rather startling that there was a 30°F difference between the two mid-summer.  We had each brought one pair of jeans in case it was chilly and two pairs of walking shorts.  We ended up never wearing the shorts and instead wore those jeans until they were stiff with grunge.

I'm guessing UK weather is similarly cool and cloudy.  It must be something to do with the North Atlantic currents.  It sounds a bit like the weather in the US's Pacific Northwest.

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Here in Northern Ireland I've managed 4hrs total since April!!!! 

It's shockingly bad. 

Im only started in the hobby too so, with huge gaps between opportunities, I'm back to square one with calibration etc any time the clouds clear 

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For the first time in ages I had a vaguely clear sky last night down here in Kent.

Unfortunately it's been such a busy week at work that I pretty much wasted the evening asleep in an armchair and by the time I went outside again it had clouded over.  I don't think we've had any kind of clear night otherwise for at least the last month.

Edited by GrumpiusMaximus
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On 22/11/2021 at 10:35, irtuk said:

As I am entering my second month of 100% cloud cover I rather wish I had chosen to study the buggers :)

I bought a book about meteorology. Seems clouds are more a part of Astronomy than Astronomy. You are going to see more clouds than stars so you may as well learn about what is in your sky most of the time.

The night sky needs to be understood from the perspective of an earthbound observer. Weather is going to be your biggest God.


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