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Everything posted by Turbocoo

  1. Thanks for the replies. Re balance I should have said that I am slightly east heavy Alan, yes I do dither, I'll have to check my settings and perhaps program a longer gap between subs.
  2. HI all recently ive had to throw out far too many subs due to star trails Due to my terrible skies I bought a 150 quattro to get faster imaging. However losing up to 30% of subs due to trailing isnt ideal , besides throwing away for the usual reasons. The following where taken on a belt modded heq5, 60mm guidescope, 150 quattro, asi 533. Guiding was sub 1". Ive locked everything down well to rule out flexure and balance is good. Trails dont seem to follow any pattern and occur at random any help much appreciated
  3. An old thread I know but was wondering if anyone has the 3mm extractor for sale as they are out of stock and I was wanting to do the mod. Thanks
  4. Thanks, I have both uv light and baader fluid, it's separating the two lens that bothers me. Wonder if anyone had disassembled an 80ed lens cell
  5. Hi all Really need help here. My old skywatcher 80ed has developed a couple of fungus branches on the inside of the rear cell! Any advice on how to get at this to clean it or should I send the whole cell off to a specialist. Thanks
  6. Ive been using the ts maxfied for a few years now and ive found no problems at all. No reflections and stars correct across the entire fov. Ive recommended this cc on numerous occasions escpecially when i see people mention problems with the Baader spacing and tilt. I use 56mm spacing with an Asi533 on a 130pds
  7. Have to agree Billy, living on the north coast of Northern Ireland I'm more or less in the same situation as you. Woeful weather, not just the winter either. In one whole year I've had the observatory roof open all night, twice! It's made worse when I see some guy in South England whinging about how bad their skies are 😡 Sometimes I do question if the hobby is worth it, living where we do.
  8. Hi Martyn did you sell your equinox 80?
  9. This is why I bought an az4, straight fit to an eq3, eq5, heq5 etc tripod
  10. Bubble nebula taken in August, rubbish weather since! Asi533 Ts Maxfield cc Optolong L-extreme
  11. Well, look what we have here. The dew shield screws off with effort and heat from a dew band. Thought most of these scopes did not have a threaded shield
  12. Sorry to appear a bit dopey but are you referring to the rubber washers in the focuser as they are still intact. Secondly you say that the lens cell is "jammed into the end of the tube" but surely it is threaded on and I can't see any way to adjust for cell being jammed in at an angle. Thanks for your help and quick replies Bryan
  13. "another popular cause of misalignment is the lens itself which is jammed into the end of the tube at an angle" I wonder if this is my problem? See previous post. Thanks
  14. Been having a nightmare with my 72ed too. top left and right of subs have eggy stars bottom left and right are fine. Originally had an OVL FF but i wasnt impressed so bought a Stellamira , things started to improve at 66mm spacing. When my scope arrived collimation was out by 7mm!! Having adjusted the focuser to tube alignment, with those awful grub screws, I really cant tell where tilt issues are coming from. Three different dslrs all tell the same story. As far as main lens cell is concerned my dew shield cannot be removed, when i try twisting it off, the entire lens cell starts to unscrew and its a newer version of the scope! The scope was bought new from Camarthen Cameras at the start of August, I'm very tempted to return it. I've wasted very few precious clear skies( North coast Northern ireland For goodness sake), trying to sort this out. Should have went for a WO 73 or similar
  15. REALLY interested to know your thoughts on this. Im very tempted. I currently have 2 130pds scopes and was thinking of selling one and getting one of these.Thanks
  16. Thanks Lee. I'm crap at editing, only just signed up to photoshop and haven't really a clue what I'm doing. The image should be quite a bit better as it is 135x3mins Asi 533 Optolong L-extreme BTW are you still at 64mm spacing on the 72ed? Best Bryan
  17. Had a go at that too with my 130pds. Still waiting on spacers for the 72ed.
  18. Lee, 64mm!!? 9mm above the recommended 55mm. Are you satisfied with the field at that spacing? Besides my tilt I'm really having second thoughts.... Keep putting money and precious few clear skies into experiments with the 72ed and ovl ff spacing , or buying the dedicated ff, or returning the 72ed with its poorly supplied collimation and biting the bullet and get a something that can produce decent results from the get go with similar wide field. Best Bryan
  19. Thanks Lee, yes the tilt is really bad and you are correct, only 1 corner seems OK. I managed to get 2 subs rotated 180 apart here's the pics along with their respective curves
  20. Hi Lee seems I'm at the same place you were and it's doing my head in, especially as I have few clear skies. I've got the newer 72, ovl flattener, rotator and started with 55mm. I also centered the focuser with the laser but my pics are rubbish. Any advice greatly appreciated. Tempted to send it back and stick with my 130pds!
  21. Post a pic of your star test if you can
  22. Yeah can do that easily on my 250d but not so on my 450d..... No tilt. It's much easier to do both cameras on my pc screen in the obsy but like I said, my monitor seems poor
  23. Im a beginner and have this problem. Can't rotation be displayed via software for dslr?
  24. What monitor are you guys using (besides dslr lcd screens) to view and focus etc? ATM I'm using a 21 inch TV via hdmi from the pc. My canon 250d displays focus on the Canon eos software on x5 or x10 zoom Problem is the view on the TV looks very pixelated with the mask on I've seen lots of bahtinov focus screeshots with really sharp display. Any help appreciated
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