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What did you see tonight?


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7 hours ago, Epick Crom said:

I saw something amazing last night, even though it wasn't an astronomical object. I tracked the ISS as it passed over last night through my 10 inch dob at 70x for the first time. Wow, I could actually see the panels on both sides. That image will stick in my head for some time to come!


Fantastic! It must be cool to see the panels. I have to admit that I have never observed it through the EP since I always tend to take photos of it. I should try at least once.

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3 hours ago, Epick Crom said:

What I did Geoff was catch it as it was rising in my finderscope then looked at the eyepiece. It moves slower when rising but really speeds up towards the zenith! Low power helps capture it in the eyepiece. Good luck!

@Geoff Barnes what Joe said. I also found when I take my photos you need the finderscope to be bang on with the EP. Additionally, I tend to move the finderscope ahead of the ISS and you should be able to see it at the EP as it is coming in the FOV.

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Plagued by high level clouds here in Southampton but I had fun testing out a second hand PanaView 2” 32mm eyepiece on my Skywatcher 200p Dob and fiddling with the PushTo function in PS Align Pro (phone strapped to the telescope). This worked well, maybe I’ll do a write up when I have time. Mostly a selection of open clusters, but had a look at M81/M82 and M3. I really need to get to a dark site as M81/M82 & M31 are the only galaxies I can see in my light polluted back garden.

First time I’ve seen M37. Why I don’t know as it was stunning in a low power eyepiece. 

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Lalande 21185, one of the closest and brightest red dwarfs to us (at 8 light years away and mag 7.5). The fun part was trying to find it manually. The nearest naked eye bright stars are 46 Leo Minor and 54 UMa which are also orange, but being 10 times more distant are red giants, not red dwarfs. Then I had a look at the Alulas, managed to split the Alula Australis at x180 but Alula Borealis, Nu UMa ( another orange star) defeated my Svbony refractor. 

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Earlier I took the missus in the garden to look at a smashing crescent 🌒. Then back out again at 8:30pm for the CPRE star count (12), and again at 9pm for a quick look with the 15x70s at M42 and M45.

I'm off to get some extra layers on and set up the 4" and AVX for a long night. Probably a frustrating night because against my better judgement I won't be able to resist having a crack at the Leo Triplet and Markarian's Chain. ...

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1 hour ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

Earlier I took the missus in the garden to look at a smashing crescent 🌒. Then back out again at 8:30pm for the CPRE star count (12), and again at 9pm for a quick look with the 15x70s at M42 and M45.

I'm off to get some extra layers on and set up the 4" and AVX for a long night. Probably a frustrating night because against my better judgement I won't be able to resist having a crack at the Leo Triplet and Markarian's Chain. ...

Cracking crescent wasn't it. Grabbed a few snaps.

Then some doubles in Orion, starting with the Trapezium, good seeing gave up A-D easily.





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21 hours ago, johnfosteruk said:

Cracking crescent wasn't it. Grabbed a few snaps.

Then some doubles in Orion, starting with the Trapezium, good seeing gave up A-D easily.





Those are crackers John, really lovely.

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Just had a fairly quick look at the crescent Moon this evening, before it clouded over.

Very nice tiny beads of light off the end of either terminator, plus the main rille in Petavius was particularly clear - a dead straight line from centre to edge. Nice. 

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Finally broke the Mak's moon virginity tonight. A definite improvement in sharpness over the 200P. Used the 9mm XCel-LX, and for the periods of steady seeing the images were laser sharp at 167x. Specks of light where the terminator met the moon's edge, and the higher peaks reflecting light set in from the terminator gave a really immersive feel. Mare Crisium was a delight! 

Think I could push the magnification a little more so will be looking into EPs and just bought the ROG Moon Atlas so I can get the most out of my Lunar sessions. 

I had a quick stop over at Orion and caught Sigma looking very busy through the 25mm and split Rigel 🙂

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Unfortunately I'm in work in the morning but the sky is super clear. So after midnight, thirty minutes were spent outside with the binoculars. I was very surprised to bag M81, M82, M65 and M66 with 15x70s from my urban garden. Particularly M65. I've not managed that with a telescope!

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Just had a quick peek at the moon through the 12". Despite no cooling down time (other than being stored in a shed) and collimation slipped a little, no apo alive is going to beat that view :ohmy:

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Just had a longer session - now interrupted (temporarily) by cloud. The sharpness and contrast of this scope is staggering. I've just been viewing at x447 is if it were x200. Huge amount of detail on the floor of Atlas. Also some of the tiniest craters I've seen. Absolutely spanks the C9.25 I had :ohmy:

There's a mountain of sorts at the south pole which has a lot of fine shading on its surface. I'm going to have a longer spell on that shortly.

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Managed to see both Rupes Cauchy and Rima Cauchy near well...  crater Cauchy on the edge of sea of Tranquility. The Rupes is an easier one but the Rima is quite subtle and needs the correct illumination as today. 

Also there is some linear 'valley'-like feature just north of De La Rue and Strabo. Does anyone know what is it? Perhaps it is an illusion, can't seem to find it on my maps.

Edited by Nik271
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At the moment the position of the scope is awkward - neither standing nor sitting. Tough on my back requiring a few rests.

Still, so far at x275 I've picked up 9 craterlets on the floor of Endymion. I'm sure there's more to come when I can get comfy.

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8 minutes ago, Nik271 said:

Managed to see both Rupes Cauchy and Rima Cauchy near well... 

Yes, they are really well placed. There's the tiniest of craters right where Rima Cauchy separates and several ridges coming off Rupes Cauchy - a lovely sight.

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33 minutes ago, Nik271 said:

Also there is some linear 'valley'-like feature just north of De La Rue and Strabo.

I see it. Runs from the bottom of Schwabe. I can't see a name for it.

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I was out with the 8" SL dob to try the SL 80° 20mm EP that @FLO sent me for testing.

The sky was as clear as a bell when I went out but by the time I'd set up, thin cloud had started to appear and I had only minutes of moon viewing before it became impossible. For those that care, the SL seems excellent so far. More when the sky clears!

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