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I think the Astronomy gods hate me…

Mr niall

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It has been rubbish hasn’t it? Torrential rain here yesterday and through the night. That said, tonight looks promising on CO, although looking at Sat24 there are still plenty of showers around. Could go either way! Transparency should be good if it’s clear, after all the rain.



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I feel your pain. 45 minutes observing in the last month up here in the north west . There has been the occasional clear spell over night but working 9-5 prevents me sneaking out at in the early hours like I used to. ☹️

This morning is a wonderfully clear and fresh autumn day, but the clouds are forecast to roll in this evening. 🙄

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14 minutes ago, Stu said:

It has been rubbish hasn’t it? Torrential rain here yesterday and through the night. That said, tonight looks promising on CO, although looking at Sat24 there are still plenty of showers around. Could go either way! Transparency should be good if it’s clear, after all the rain.



That looks promising Stu!

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Tell me about it..   I seem to spend my life yelling at clouds.  My other hobby photographing military planes.   A400 atlas came low down over me for the first time in 18months this week..   belting down with rain so image resulted in a grainy mess. 

I even went to Scotland for some stargazing in a Bortle 3..  Cloudy and chucked it down all week..   

Could we have some clear sky soon please!   


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For literally the past month here in NY there were 2 clear nights and I spent both of them sick. Oh and of course I got a new scope in that time.

Makes me want to move to a desert in AZ or Utah or something.

Feel your pain. Also the cloud forecast has been accurate like 30% of the time.

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22 minutes ago, Bridgehouse said:

This trend coincides with me returning to the hobby after many years away.

I am clearly some sort of Jonah and with this realisation I fully expect to be cast out by you all and told never to return. 

My sincerest apologies....

It might be my fault too I’ve just come back 

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It's been a glorious, clear and deep blue sky here until mid afternoon. Then the clouds started started to build and as I type this the first shower arrived :)

My scope has been in the conservatory patiently waiting for a clear sky after I collimated it a few days ago. I'm going to name it "Josephine"... :)

Anyway, I can't believe it's full Moon but but not clear!

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Know that feeling well! the gods put up clear nights when I have to get up early but this time they have realy had it in for me. I have had a bad back and sciatica for the past month and I have been teased with several clear nights! I need to make a sacrifce to the gods!

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As I said in the weather section, I've just come back from Spain with glorious views of multiple objects and even the moon was spectacular in the clear sky with crystal clear seeing.  I get back here and cloud, cloud and more cloud.  Endlessly.  It is grey, cold and depressing  😩

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The only time I've ever noticed consistently good weather since I started observing was during the first covid lockdown when it was clear for weeks on end.

Other than that it's always been far more cloudy than not cloudy.

My last session was looking at the moon recently. It was 20% cloud when I started set ting up which is no problem but 10 minutes later it's 95% cloud and after a futile wait I pack up having seen nothing!

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26 minutes ago, Paz said:

The only time I've ever noticed consistently good weather since I started observing was during the first covid lockdown when it was clear for weeks on end.

That was a great fun, wasn’t it? We also had some wonderful skies during the time the planes were grounded for the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland. There’s a theme there I think!

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23 hours ago, Paz said:

The only time I've ever noticed consistently good weather since I started observing was during the first covid lockdown when it was clear for weeks on end.

Other than that it's always been far more cloudy than not cloudy.

My last session was looking at the moon recently. It was 20% cloud when I started set ting up which is no problem but 10 minutes later it's 95% cloud and after a futile wait I pack up having seen nothing!

Some fantastic nights were had last year. It almost makes me yearn for more lock downs. Even the lack of traffic noise was amazingly peaceful. I had several great Mars sessions too. Taking off the rose tinted glasses October was very much like this year though. Wet & windy!

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On 31/10/2021 at 10:26, Stu said:

That was a great fun, wasn’t it? We also had some wonderful skies during the time the planes were grounded for the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland. There’s a theme there I think!

Was the volcanic ash event the 2010 one? That would have been before my time, I am a relative noob having only started observing maybe 4 or so years after that time.

I've also noted the  odd comments from the experienced observers remarking on how much better the skies were generally if you go back over the decades.

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20 minutes ago, Paz said:

Was the volcanic ash event the 2010 one? That would have been before my time, I am a relative noob having only started observing maybe 4 or so years after that time.

I've also noted the  odd comments from the experienced observers remarking on how much better the skies were generally if you go back over the decades.

Yep, the 2010 one. We had a few weeks of beautiful clear skies during that time I recall. It does seem worse now, I recall more clear, crisp skies in winter but I’ve no idea if that’s just rose tinted spectacles or really the case.

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I know the feeling all too well! It's been dire the past few weeks. During the day at work I'll glance outside and not a cloud in the sky. When I get home and "think" about setting up all the clouds come out like "lol nope!".

Well this week I had three consecutive clear nights which I took full advantage of. As you can imagine I was a sleepless, grumpy sod it work the last couple of days (I guess my colleagues would say that's nothing new haha). 

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