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Stacking and processing images with a Mac

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I’m just making a move from visual to AP. Waiting(aren’t we all!) for my refractor to arrive. I switched to Mac computers years ago and would welcome some advice on suitable software for stacking and image manipulation. I have PS but only elements and I don’t think this would be any use. Full-fat Photoshop seems very expensive.

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Hello @Astrolabe I use Pixinsight on Mac and no longer use Photoshop. It does what I need and much much more. Pre-processing calibration and stacking included.  Usual comments apply - it’s often described as having a steep learning curve. It’s approach is different to PS but quite logical once you ‘get it’. Other packages exist.  It’s €230 plus vat I believe.  PS. I like the fact it’s a one-off purchase unlike full blown PS which is subscription. 

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4 hours ago, Astrolabe said:

welcome some advice on suitable software for stacking and image manipulation.

Another alternative is Siril (a free software) that has the stacking ability and image manipulation tools.

EDIT: There is StarTools as well which doesnt have stacking capabilities but good post processing.

And Affinity from Serif which has both.

Edited by AstroMuni
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1 hour ago, AstroMuni said:

Another alternative is Siril (a free software) that has the stacking ability and image manipulation tools.

I have used Siril and for stacking it’s fine but I have to admit Pixinsight is really very good for basically… well… everything (OK maybe not everything but certainly lots of things!). It’s a lot cheaper than photoshop as well!

I was just having a browse and I also noted this program: Starry Night Stacker. I have not tried this one but you can read about it via the developers web page here: https://sites.google.com/site/starryskystacker/home

… it states on the dev page that: “FITS files are not supported. Astronomical cameras that use monochrome sensors with filters are not supported”. :( Having a look in the supported cameras section it’s principally for DSLR users. 

I guess another option is either using parallels or bootcamp (considered desperation for is Mac users :D). 

Slightly off topic - I highly recommend KSARS and EKOS for mount control, guiding (PHD2 also works on Mac), image acquisition - links: 



Another on the acquisition list is Astro Imager from cloudmakers - https://www.cloudmakers.eu/doc/indigosuite_4.0/astroimager.html



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Just thought I'd point out that Pixinsight is fully compatible with Intel based OSX but if you have one of the newer Macs with Apples M1 chipset then you can't run anything related to Starnet++ within Pixinsight which is a real shame.

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For free software, SiRiL and The GIMP are pretty good. I climbed the Photoshop learning curve long ago for my terrestrial photography, so that's what I use, but I use it for refining an astro image, not creating one. For most of my processing, Astro Pixel Processor is just right -- powerful, has almost all of the features I need, easy to learn, and easy to use. PixInsight still beats it for abstruse features but IMO you're much better starting off with APP and getting good images right away. Caveat: While APP support on their forums is quite good, the software itself is done by one guy, and version 1.083 has been in beta for over a year, with final release repeatedly promised very soon. As a software developer myself, I know that's never a good sign. Mind you, I really hope they pull through, it's great software and I want them to succeed. But I'd be lyin' if I said I wasn't at least a little concerned.

BTW if you're working with a DSLR, the raw-conversion libraries also seem to be behind the M1 curve.  Dunno if PI is working OK with those but APP definitely has a problem.

Edited by rickwayne
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