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Spectacular Jupiter right now


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Quick heads-up!

The seeing is incredibly steady right now over here and Jupiter looks superb with a very distinct hollow surrounding the GRS and plenty of details on the belts. The GRS is also showing some rounded features. One moon (not yet checked out - could be Io) has just started its transit.

Typing while observing.. ๐Ÿ™‚


Telescope: 4" Tak;

eyepiece: Zeiss zoom 25.1-6.7mm + VIP barlow operating at about 200-220x

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Derbys seeing this evening was pretty average, but did improve a bit after midnight.

I followed Io as it neared the planet and just managed to see the transit start. Io's shadow first then Io itself shortly afterwards. Shadow and moon very close together. You can tell opposition is not far away.

Unfortunately it clouded over soon after that, but we had a fun night chasing meteors and planets in betweenย ๐Ÿ™‚

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Indeed, after many an imaging session looking at a hyperactive technicolour jellyfish on the screen thinking to myself, all that clever processing software will sort this out into a NASA quality image and it never actually does... tonight I'm genuinely excited that I might get a half decent picture out of it.ย  There it was, Io's shadow, skimming along a cloud belt.ย  Great stuff.

Time for bed now.ย  ย 

Didn't see very manyย late arriving Perseidsย  tonight ??ย  ย That maximum peak must be quite flat this year.ย 


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1 hour ago, PeterStudz said:

Not great seeing for me in Southampton but it wasnโ€™t difficult to see the transit before it clouded over. Mind, I managed to catch the last transit which for me had good seeing.ย 

Same for us down the road in Eastleigh. Our seeing was reasonable by around 12:30. Jupiter was acceptably good at 180x, showing lots of detail in the belts. The transit was nice. It was razor sharp at 90x. Saturn on the other hand just never got going. Just a tad too low. Looked okay at 90x but that was it.ย 

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Got out tonight for first proper session for over 8 weeks!

Jupiter and Saturn were the first targets, both a bit unsteady and low down at 11pm but I stayed out til 1.30am and seeing improved noticeably๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š


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