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Hello From Eastern Kentucky


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Wanted to say hello to everyone on this forum. I found this site today after going through numerous sites for information on gazing, this has been by far the most friendly and helpful site I have seen while searching. One of the best things I have seen is how helpful and respectful the more experienced gazers are to the newer ones. 


So a little bit about me and what I am looking for on this site.


I am 40 and I have my sons who are 13 4 and 3 (the later 2 will hopefully be as intrigued with gazing as Me and my oldest son.)

 We are still babies in the gazing community basically we had our first telescope we got about 5 years ago, used it alot. It was a low level about a 100 dollar one I got off amazon. Honestly it was great for us and we enjoyed finding what we could, we found Mars and Jupiter as well as a faint Saturn (could not make out great detail but we did find them.) We loved it and enjoyed our time as we live in a rural area so it is pretty dark for us esp if we go to the lake.


Fast forward a little bit. Our house burned down so we lost our telescope. We have gradually replaced everything in our home and I believe it is time to get a new set up. I have been looking around and have seen a lot of recommendations  for the Orion xt8 (400-550 depending on site and accessories.) It is still a beginner scope but a higher end one and about what I can budget for for a decent big gift for my son to expand on what we enjoyed doing before. The one I am looking at has a Moon Filter and phone mount for pictures (Sold seperately.. Will share pictures when I get to buy it and take some.)

I am excited for this purchase and to see how excited he gets with it. He is High Function  Austistic and gazing is one of his big things that he loves. We play Universe simulator together which he loves as he can study all the different DSOs out there as well as toy with different variables to see different outcomes (Can not tell you how many times her has laughed at me cause I have accidentally exploded the solar system.)


Looking forward to any advice recommendations and also lots of fun joining this forum. I love to learn so I will be scouring this forum alot.


Terry from East Ky

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Welcome aboard SGL. Good to have you and your family with us.

Wow, what a great intro and a great sounding family. I don't think I've met anyone who's exploded the solar system before, but I think you'll fit in quite nicely here!

The skies in Hindman sound very nice and just what you want to see the best jewels that the universe has to offer. One could spend a lifetime observing the moon alone and never discover all its secrets.

I'm sure you've realised that there's no such thing as a daft question on here, so if you need any help or advice, or just want to hang out and chat - fill your boots!



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