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SGL 2021 Challenge 6 - Jupiter

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I captured the Great Red Spot  along with Europa and Io in this image using my 180mm Mak and ASI 224MC/FireCapture, processed in Registax 6 with post-processing in Photoshop:


Cheers, Reggie 🚀

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Here's my first ever capture of Jupiter using my C8 and brand new ZWO ASI533MC pro with a 2X barlow. Captured in ASICAP, stacked in AS!3 and faffed about with in Registax. The best 500 out of 1200 frames from a single 45 second vid.  Next time I'm going to use Sharpcap and take a lot more subs. 



jupiter using asi533.jpg

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My first capture of Jupiter with the Great Red Spot visible. Digiscoped through an untracked 10 inch dobsonian . Video was aligned with PIPP stacked with Autostakkert! 3, processed with Registax 6 and enhanced with Adobe Photoshop. Still have to work on the processing.B43B0BB4-2303-406A-802E-B19E30450726.jpeg.588ee1834299117643a154234949c735.jpeg

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I believe this is my first entry into a competition at SGL. I am not sure.
Happy to participate.

Capture of the 2nd of July, with GRS visible and with great activity and details in the S and N belts.
The seeing was fair with good transparency.

Details are in the image:
2021-Jul-02 06:14h UT
21min de-rotation with WinJupos
C11" @f/18 + ASI290mc 



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Another entry.

July 15.

Now the reverse side of GRS. Visible are (STZ) Oval BA, DS6, White ovals A5, A4, A3, A2 and A1. Festoons on the equatorial zone. Dark spots on the NEB and NTB.

That face of Jupiter is wonderful this season!


Details are in the image:
2021-Jul-15 05:00h UT
16min de-rotation with WinJupos
C11" @f/18 + ASI290mc



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Transit of Europa, Concealment of Io
I planned this session to try to make 3 hours of movies and thus create a Gif with the transit of Europa and Io's hiding.
The idea was to catch the exit of Io and Ganymedes from behind the planet but at 04:10 UT the clouds came to spoil the work
.Astrophotographer joy is never complete!

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There were 50 videos of 60 sec with 60 sec intervals totaling 2 hours of effort. Without editing in Winjupos to make the image beautiful, variations from one film to another are inherent to seeing variations.
Date: August 12, 2021 between 02:28 UT and 04:09 UT


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Just realized this contest existed.  I don't expect a winner of course because this is my very first try but why not I guess.  C9.25HD, ASI224MC, 15% of 6,000 frames, PiPP/AS/Registax - done in horrible humidity and not the best seeing conditions on 16 August.


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Gosh, derotating the largest planet in the solar system is quite effective!

In the absence of clear skies, I have reworked captures from 21 July using WinJupos.  As before this is with a C11 on an EQ6 with x2 barlow and Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector from a Salisbury garden. I also put together a short video describing my winjupos methodology for interest:





2021-07-21-0218 Radice SGL.jpg

Edited by MarkRadice
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Here is Jupiter at opposition on August 19 with Io in transit using the SkyView Pro 180mm Mak, ZWO ASI224MC/ Firecapture, processed in Registax 6:


What is so unique about this image is that because it was taken at opposition, the moon and shadow transits of Io were very close together, appearing as a single event.


Reggie 🚀

Edited by orion25
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I'll  throw my latest attempt into the mix...Captured on 18July with Ganymede in shadow transit. I have only just got round to processing it.

There was  slug of high pressure over the UK at the time and the air was particularly still - so thought i'd better make the most of it! The Mewlon was reluctant to cool in spite of a fan blowing down the tube for several hours. I experimented a bit by blowing the fan down the tube in between exposures too - and I think this helped to scrub the boundary layer - so I managed to capture many sharper frames  before it reformed. ...

When is an image actually finished? I never know when to say - 'that will do' , there always seems to be another tweak which changes the image but then I can't decide if its an improvement or not! Also Isn't it crazy how we capture tens of gigabytes of data and distil it down to an image of just a few kilobytes! 

Tak Mewlon 210, ZWO224MC, 1.6 Barlow. Sharpcap, Pipp, Autostakkert, Registax, (12 * 120sec videos) DeRotated in Winjupos , Photoshop.


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Here's an image of Jupiter from 14.08.21. I captured 21,000 frames in 3 minutes and used the best 5 percent. 

Moons from left: Ganymede, Europa, Callisto, Io.


Meade 2080 8 inch SCT, Zwo ADC, Zwo asi224mc, Baader UV-IR cut filter.

Clear skies


Jupiter_6.png.d39cb89462586bcc2af4732377a37cde (1).png

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Jupiter, Io and Europa. 

Stack of 800 out of 8000 frames, processed with AutoStakkert, SiriL and Photoshop.

C11 at 2800mm, ASI120MC-S

Taken last night, this is my best image of Jupiter so far. Shame the seeing wasn't perfect. 



Edited by Taman
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Hi All, here I go with my little contribution. The video was taken on the 25th of August:


The gear:

Sky-Watcher Skymax 180 PRO
Sky-Watcher HEQ5
Kepler flip mirror

The software:

SharpCap (for polar aligning)
FireCapture (for imaging the planets)
Autostakkert (stacking)
WinJUPOS (derotating videos)
RegiStax (wavelets)
Fitsworks (denoising)
The Gimp (final touch with curves and so forth)

Thanks for looking,


Edited by NenoVento
forgot to indicate the date of capture
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And yet another one, this time with Europa (left), Io and Ganymede (right, Ganymede on top). I took the video early on the 26th of August:


The gear:

Sky-Watcher Skymax 180 PRO
Sky-Watcher HEQ5
Kepler flip mirror

The software:

SharpCap (for polar aligning)
FireCapture (for imaging the planets)
Autostakkert (stacking)
WinJUPOS (derotating videos)
RegiStax (wavelets)
Fitsworks (denoising)
The Gimp (final touch with curves and so forth)

Thanks for looking,


Edited by NenoVento
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And my first try at making an animated gif. This time the processing was reduced to only stacking:


The gear:

Sky-Watcher Skymax 180 PRO
Sky-Watcher HEQ5
Kepler flip mirror

The software:

SharpCap (for polar aligning)
FireCapture (for imaging the planets)
Autostakkert (stacking)
The Gimp (to make the animated gif)

Thanks for looking,


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46 minutes ago, astroman001 said:

Jupiter with Io and shadow in transit

Very nicely captured Peter. I was also out at the scope last night, it being the 1st really decent night's seeing I've had for planetary imaging this year. I'm still working through the data, but I'll put up an end of transit image shortly.


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Here's my first halfway decent image of Jupiter this year. It comprises the best 1000 frames from last 3 60s runs with the ASI290MM and Astronomiv RGB filters, through my C14.


I have a lot more data from earlier in the session when Io was in transit, so there may be more to follow. I probably should annotate the image, so may swap it out later when I've done that.


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