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Night sky mental health boost for astronomy fan


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59 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

Loosing a well beloved pet is really devastating, a lot of people don't understand how we can feel so lost. It's hard because it's just as real as if we've lost a family member, (which of course it is). Hopefully the more you get back into this hobby the more enjoyment of life you'll feel. 

Believe it or not, losing my pet was worse than losing my mum (2021).  I was very close to my mum, but closer to my beloved pet.


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I'm sorry about your loss @Ian McCallum. I am happy to hear that you get to it again, hopefully it will have the power to help you :)

12 minutes ago, Stuart1971 said:

I’m sorry but losing a pet is awful, but to say it’s worse than losing a mother….we will disagree on that for sure,  I was devastated when my mum passed, and extremely upset when we lost a pet, absolutely no comparison…..sorry….

Just... let's not judge how other people experience grief. It doesn't affect anyone else but them, so refrain from judging and - in particular - commenting on a public forum about it. 

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14 minutes ago, Stuart1971 said:

I’m sorry but losing a pet is awful, but to say it’s worse than losing a mother….we will disagree on that for sure,  I was devastated when my mum passed, and extremely upset when we lost a pet, absolutely no comparison…..sorry….

I don't think you should make a judgement like this. Depression can be immensely overwhelming and can have many sources or 'triggers'. It needs to be handled with respect, understanding and compassion. Clear skies to all.

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30 minutes ago, Ian McCallum said:

Believe it or not, losing my pet was worse than losing my mum (2021).  I was very close to my mum, but closer to my beloved pet.


Gorgeous pony. My wife lost her horse last summer and it took her a long time to get over it. But she now has a new one that keeps her happy and busy. Each horse and pony has their own unique character, foibles and charms and can be very healing company. Best wishes.

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One can't make judgements on someone's loss/grief regarding human or pet life , some will have more empathy and a closer tie with a pet then a human.  The human bond isn't always the strongest.

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One of my granddaughters is having a difficult time and stargazing provides her with a  good place to be. It also provides a shared experience, point of contact and a neutral topic of conversation. I gave her my old 90ra ETX telescope just before Christmas and we both await clear and calm nights in 2024. Love and Astronomy go together surprisingly well.


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40 minutes ago, Hawksmoor said:

One of my granddaughters is having a difficult time and stargazing provides her with a  good place to be. It also provides a shared experience, point of contact and a neutral topic of conversation. I gave her my old 90ra ETX telescope just before Christmas and we both await clear and calm nights in 2024. Love and Astronomy go together surprisingly well.


That is heartwarming, George. I wish you many hours of stargazing together.

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5 hours ago, Ian McCallum said:

I've not used a telescope in nearly a year, due to poor mental health.  I lost a beloved pet on 5th February 2023, which caused me great anguish.  For a long time, I couldn't get the loss out of my mind and still miss my beloved pet every day.  I eventually tried to keep busy and concentrate on other hobbies.  I've just set my astrophotography rig, for the first time in nearly 11 months.  Obviously, I've missed out on nearly a year of things and have became very rusty - but hopefully, I'll get back into it again...

PS:  I've suffered from poor mental health for many years, but this was one of the worst bouts of it.

Sounds like you’ve really been through the mill over the last year, I hope you’ve got some support and help. Glad that you’ve rediscovered astronomy, that seems like a good sign. 

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My mum was in a lot of pain and was suffering from metastatic cancer, for nearly 18 months.  She lingered in pain and it was cruel to see her like that, just wasting away.  Palliative care was good, but not perfect.   I had plenty of time to say goodbye to my mum and she had a good send off.

My pony (Misty) took Colic one time, then another 2 bouts within 10 hours.   She was in agony and suffering from gut death, it happened so fast that I had no choice but to have her euthanised.  With Misty, I had planned to move her and my other pony to be with a friend's horses, but nature got in the way. She was rescued when I got her and was in very poor health.  I had her 5 years and she was 21 years old when she died (not old for a Shetland).  I feel that both her and I were cheated of many more years together!  The regrets are very bitter, I can assure you.  

Your mileage will vary...

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