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Canon DSLR. Which one ??


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Hello. Looking to start taking a few shots of Moon and planets with a camera. Maybe the odd bright DSO too if a get my head around how to ??  

Have no idea where to start TBH.  I'm a visual observer. Messed about with with a webcam a few years ago which was fun. I have 2 or 3 Canon lenses. ( with AF option plus a manual lens - 55 mm 70 -210 mm and 300 mm ) 

have been reading up a little and seem to have come across canon models with the "live view " option that may help with taking the shots.  Looked as models such as 450D 550D 600D  et al.  I would just be looking to buy a good maybe used camera body and then the attachments needed to fix to my scopes and / or use the lenses I have directly at the sky. Not looking to mod the camera as would like to use to take standard dayltime photos. 

I own a Stellarvue 102  ED and a SW 150 ED frac.  

Budget - I;m thinking around the 200 to maybe 250 GBP for the camera.  I drool at some of the photos taken by members of this site but I would just be happy getting a few shots just for my own pleasure.  Hubble scope need not worry. 

Any options and advice most welcome,  Thanks in advance as always and a quick Happy New Year to one and all 



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 "Not looking to mod the camera as would like to use to take standard dayltime photos."

I would urge you to reconsider. You will get greatly improved images from a modded camera. You can use a modded camera for daytime shots but you will need to process more than you normally would.


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23 minutes ago, PeterCPC said:


I would urge you to reconsider. You will get greatly improved images from a modded camera. You can use a modded camera for daytime shots but you will need to process more than you normally would.


Peter. Do you mean processing would be required on the daytime shots made with the camera or just more work needed for Astro shots of left in modded ?? 
See - I ain’t gotta clue. 


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3 minutes ago, Telescope40 said:

Peter. Do you mean processing would be required on the daytime shots made with the camera or just more work needed for Astro shots of left in modded ?? 
See - I ain’t gotta clue. 


This is probably what you want 


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7 minutes ago, Telescope40 said:

Peter. Do you mean processing would be required on the daytime shots made with the camera or just more work needed for Astro shots of left in modded ?? 
See - I ain’t gotta clue. 


I mean that any daytime shots would need more processing to get the correct colour balance. Astro shots would be easier to process.

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I use a Canon 1100D that I modded myself.  You will need a T-ring adapter and possibly an extension to reach focus to connect the camera Bayonet to fit into the focuser of your scope - either 2" or 1.25".

Below is my first ever DSO picture from 2011 of M31, with the very same 1100D before I modded it two years ago.  At the time I was utterly thrilled with this - 12 x 120s exposures.


Edited by kirkster501
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2 hours ago, kirkster501 said:

I use a Canon 1100D that I modded myself.  You will need a T-ring adapter and possibly an extension to reach focus to connect the camera Bayonet to fit into the focuser of your scope - either 2" or 1.25".

Below is my first ever DSO picture from 2011 of M31, with the very same 1100D before I modded it two years ago.  At the time I was utterly thrilled with this - 12 x 120s exposures.


Hhmm. So. That’s an unmodded Canon guided for short periods. As said. I’m not after anything epic, picture wise. 
DSLR /  attached correctly to scope / remote shutter release may help and a model with live view. Read it assists with focusing. 
Would be more than happy with that. I’ve not a clue so far re settings - ISO, exposures etc. 
Anyone suggest an actual Canon model to go for ?? 

Thank you   John 


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I've got a 5dmk2 and 7d. I don't intend modding either. You'll get responses saying you must have the latest expensive kit . A top of the range mount and tripod. Ask yourself who you aim to please with images . Then make a decision around your budget.

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Worth bearing in mind that I've seen second hand older modded cameras advertised cheaply. For example, I bought then sold a 450D for £120 and bought a 550D for £140.

You can also get second hand bodies unmodded on ebay very cheap - I picked up a slightly worse for wear 550D for £80-something.

What I'm getting at is that you may well be better off getting two separate cameras. Although I've never had time to do a side by side comparison, it really seems like you want an astromodded camera for astronomy, and a non-astromodded camera for day to day use.

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Bought a second hand 450D for £80, couldn't be happier, good to learn with until I get a dedicated astro cam and when it comes to getting it astro modded I won't be stressing out about it like I would be if it was a new camera. 

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I had a 450D for general use many years ago, upgraded to a 5D3 for general use. Had the 450D modded for astro. I have really enjoyed using it and am now looking at moving to astro narrowband. Absolutely no regrets about modding the 450D.

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This is an unmodded Canon 80D image, stock camera. Is a modded camera needed, no of course not...but it is desirable. It all depends on what you want to get out of the hobby. Initially I was like you, happy to get anything. Now...not so much 😉🤣

NGC 7000 North American Nebula.jpg

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5 minutes ago, Hals said:

This is an unmodded Canon 80D image, stock camera. Is a modded camera needed, no of course not...but it is desirable. It all depends on what you want to get out of the hobby. Initially I was like you, happy to get anything. Now...not so much 😉🤣

NGC 7000 North American Nebula.jpg

Nice, I would add that not all Canon cameras are created equal regarding Ha response...I would always try first before going down the modding route.


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