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Hello from Rotherham, UK


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Hello everyone from Rotherham, S.Yorks,

Getting back into astronomy after many years out of it, mainly due to available time etc. But since my step son has acquired himself a nice  150mm dob I think its time to get back into it. Hopefully, I can blow the cobwebs off and I am not a complete noob at it. One of the benefits of getting back into it the the access to forums such as this, YouTube and other websites. Back when I was stargazing, the internet had barely even taken off and I had to rely on books and hope I was getting it right.

Excited to get out and explore with him, we live pretty accessible to the Peak District and a bit of a further drive to the north York moors, so finding dark places is going to be pretty easy. Lets just hope the weather gods will be on our side in the next few days.

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