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Greetings from Banchory

Cup of Tea

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Hi, just joined and thought I should say hello.

I live in Banchory, Aberdeenshire. Just got myself an 8 inch newtonian on a Vixen GP mount. Often in Winter we get days and days of cold crisp nights where the skies just get clearer and clearer. No sign of it this year though, just rain, rain, rain since I bought the thing - so that's probably my fault... sorry.


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Welcome, sorry to hear about the weather up in your part of the world because down here in the south it’s just been one brilliant seeing, clear night for months on end, night after glorious night, not a cloud to be seen, maybe.


Edited by Moonshed
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39 minutes ago, Cup of Tea said:

It's been truly grim, hasn't it?

At least the 10 day forecast has stopped showing 100% rain for the first time in two weeks.... Just 90% now 😅 it's been so bad, I'll take that!

Hopefully you'll get a chance for first light in the coming week. 

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