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Hello from an old timer!!


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Hi All,

Thought I'd say hello from the north east of England.

I'm nearer 60 now than 50 and retired back in March. I never expected the world to retire with me but such are these strange new times. Enough on that subject. 

I started this hobby when I was a small child, remember my father pointing out the plough. Still feel deeply nostalgic whenever I see that familiar shape where ever I am in the world. First scope was the truly awful table tripod mounted 40x40 refractor, soon replaced by a set of 10x50 binos. I then got a 90mm reflector and used it during the early 70s. My parents kindly got me a subscription to sky and telescope magazine at that time. Having that drop on the mat once a month was a biblical experience, no internet then!!

I bought myself a 8 inch SCT and 16 years ago bought an LX200 12GPS. I had every intention of wheeling it out whenever I wanted to observe but a handful of times later trying that I realized I had two options, sell it or mount it in an obsy. So I built a roll off roof obsy and stuck it on a milburn wedge where its sat for the last 16 years. I have a 'jack of all trades' approach to this hobby. I'll pop out to spend a night visually spotting whatever is in season, stick a webcam on to grab a few images of the planets or moon, a DSLR to maybe dig a bit deeper. Piggyback a small refractor to play around with or a PST during the day for a bit of solar.  I may return to the AP game. now I have a lot more time on my hands. I can remember being hunched over an OAG keeping a star in the crosshairs, then waiting to see the results arrive through the post!!!

This is a great website with a treasure trove of info for the new starter and experienced amateur. Credit to you all. Some fantastic content. Keep it up!!



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Welcome Ed, you could almost be describing me in your Intro. I'm just west of your patch in Cumbria, not a spit away
from the Lake District, which is at present being invaded by hordes of car borne people wanting
a break in this sunshine we're enjoying at this time.
I owned a LX90 12" for a while, but sold in on, and now own an Obsy sited Skywatcher Mak. Newt.
and all the gubbins associated with an Astrograph.
You're quite right about the quality of the membership of SGL, plenty of help and advice if you require any.
Enjoy your stay, and I look forward to your posts on the forum.



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