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Hello from Faringdon, Oxfordshire!


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Hello I’m Lou.

I’m not new here as such but my use of SGL and my telescope has been sporadic over the past year or 3. I am early looking forward to dedicating lots of time to my hobby now that I am in a place to do that. All of these awesome space and space exploration events have really ignited that flame again! Bored during lockdown I made a solar filter for my set up, that was fun! No much to see though other than a giant ball, still amazing to see.

I went over to Cape Canaveral in Dec with my boyfriend as part of my 30th birthday. I was really lucky and got to see a Falcon 9 launch. We were hoping to see the crew dragon unmanned test launch but they got delayed. What a 30th though! The picture below is the launch, I just pointed my camera in the direction of the launch and took a photo. It was too good of an event to witness through a photo screen.


Thank in advance for all the help you are all no doubt going to give me in the future. I wish everyone dark, clear skies :) 



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8 minutes ago, laudropb said:

Hi. I hope the weather is kind to you and let’s you have plenty of opportunities to observe. There is a new sunspot on the solar disk just now. Well worth a look.

I’ll definitely check that out. Thank you!!

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4 hours ago, laudropb said:

Hi. I hope the weather is kind to you and let’s you have plenty of opportunities to observe. There is a new sunspot on the solar disk just now. Well worth a look.


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Hello Lou, and welcome to the community, hope you enjoy your time with us,

nice job on the solar filter, and lucky you to witness the launch, see you around the forums.

Clear Sky's.

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