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Hi there!

I'm the guy who broke the summer - yep bought a new telescope. Non stop cloud ever since.

Here's a little about me.

I've been dipping in and out of Astronomy since I was 10 or 11 (back in the early 80s).  I've always had a succession of scopes but never really been able to put a system together that really delivered the results I wanted. My enemies were cash, time and security lights.

About 10 years ago I decided I needed to dive in properly - I figured on a programme of visual, then imaging, then better imaging.

I worked on the basis of mount first, scope secondary.

So I started off with an EQ-6 and an Evsostar 120.  I had some good times with the evostar (I still have it), but rapidly found my desire to image was stronger than I thought. Of course the 'frac wasn't best suited to acquiring images - however I got some okay stuff of the moon, planets and bright Nebulae (Well M42).  I did have some fun doing moon mosaics with a stupidly overkill barlow and celestron NexImage.  I kind of recognised the need to move to a better scope and provisionally considered the SW 200DPS

Due to life happening I had break for 5 years.  Then roll on troubled 2020 I popped outside and noticed how clear the sky was and also how light pollution had reduced in my local area.

I decided to revisit what I had and consider what I wanted to do.  Already owning a mount meant all I had to consider was a OTA.  Again the 200DPS was front runner, but I noticed how popular scopes like the ED80 had become and how relatively affordable they are. I seriously considered going this route, but in the end opted for the 200. The way I figured it the savings made on the Newt would allow me to look into guiding options sooner.  I may well end up with a refractor (I've always preferred refractors for no other reason than they are refractors). I figure it will be an upgrade I can grow toward.

So far the newt has been amazingly good fun and very forgiving in comparison to my 120.  I've been hooking up my old EOS50D and have taken some encouraging (if a little awful) images of M101 and M13.  I've even dusted of the NexImage and produced some moon stuff (serioulsy it is terrible, but it works... a bit)

That's me in summary.  Pleased to meet you all. 

I will probably have loads of questions on guiding and cameras coming up... There's been so much progress in the past five years I'm more than a little out of date!

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