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Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)

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3 minutes ago, HaleBopp2007 said:

I got it in Twitter. Search C/2020 F3 and you'll be able to find it... 

Are you sure it is C/2020 F3 ? I think someone is pulling someone's leg !

and it might even be be Dr S. himself.

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37 minutes ago, Corncrake said:

Are you sure it is C/2020 F3 ? I think someone is pulling someone's leg !

and it might even be be Dr S. himself.

Oops! BIG FACEPALM!  I said nothing before...  Crap! 😅

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23 minutes ago, HaleBopp2007 said:

Yes. I've got photografic memory and the form of the tail is not McNaught's, or any comet I've seen in photos. The original post is in Instagram. There's another incredible photo, so it is indeed the comet. 

Link: https://www.instagram.com/sebastianvoltmer/

OK I found them, his first one is annotated :

This comet in the evening sky really looks like the NEW comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE). You know what comet I could mean?

and the second one in there is annotated :

"This image shows the bright comet McNaught from 2007. I find that this comet looks very similar to the current one. What do you think?"

My bolding and underline >>>> So I also say - what do you think :)!

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51 minutes ago, HaleBopp2007 said:

More and more! 

EDIT : This one is from the comet NEOWISE. Not the other ones :<

If you dont give links to originals (and credit the photographer ) how can we be sure. It is just eye-candy otherwise.

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Always happy to get another McNaught (I saw that one easily with a short tail just after sunset with binoculars before it headed off to the Southern Hemisphere (like all good comets seems to do!)) Fingers crossed to get something with a tail through  binoculars.



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2 hours ago, HaleBopp2007 said:

Oops! BIG FACEPALM!  I said nothing before...  Crap! 😅

Glad we got that one sorted 👍

That is the trouble with twittering and instant gramming it isnt even very social and takes an inordinate amount of time,,,  it all just descends into a morass and usually heaps of

   ,,,  well I'd better stop there or I might say something about presidents :(


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3 hours ago, HaleBopp2007 said:

New image, and the most gorgeous show of the comet's tail untill the moment! 



EDIT: I got wrong! The photo is from McNaught's comet. Sorry 4 the confusion 😅

Go on then, make an effort, who was it that found the error of your ways ?

I dont think I have seen an "original" photo on this forum by a member of this forum, and only one on CN (though that was a day or so ago, there might be more now ?) Is this the beginning of the end of webforums for cogent thought ? Must we all go social now ?


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23 minutes ago, KevS said:

Can't quite remember this, but understand it was a good one. It also resembles C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE). Think the photo has lost a bit in post processing though.

Hehee, nice one.

Looks like fella bottom left is carrying one of the new fangled collapsing Heritage things, oh and him on the right :) looks a bit up-staged ? !

and why have all the other celestial things been devoured by amoebae ?

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6 hours ago, Corncrake said:

I dont suppose anyone remembers A-R, it was a tad before twitter after all :(


I wasn't born by then (not even close) but I do know it reached the same magnitude as NEOWISE, and had a gorgeous antitail. And passed in 1957 and, next time? Never... 

Also, I don't have Twitter. I only look there without account to see new stuff about the comet. I hate these kinds of pages... From now, I'll just check https://spaceweathergallery.com/comet_gallery.html

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On 05/07/2020 at 00:08, PeterW said:

Always happy to get another McNaught (I saw that one easily with a short tail just after sunset with binoculars before it headed off to the Southern Hemisphere (like all good comets seems to do!)) Fingers crossed to get something with a tail through  binoculars.



Well, I'll manage to see it tomorrow with a tail with my 8x42 binoculars! 

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18 minutes ago, HaleBopp2007 said:

like all good comets seems to do!

Haha, that's so true! McNaught, Halley in 1910, The great comet of 1882... (For some reason, it is me who said the quote when it was PeterW...) 

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1. Forecast clear tomorrow morning -  check

2. Find position of comet one hour before sunrise on Sky Safari - check

3. Check visibility of that position from garden with iPhone compass app- check

4. Position stepladder for added height advantage - check

5. Binoculars at the ready - check

What can possibly go wrong? 😀

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4 minutes ago, kerrylewis said:

1. Forecast clear tomorrow morning -  check

2. Find position of comet one hour before sunrise on Sky Safari - check

3. Check visibility of that position from garden with iPhone compass app- check

4. Position stepladder for added height advantage - check

5. Binoculars at the ready - check

What can possibly go wrong? 😀

Elf and safety Kerry, better do a risk assessment 😂


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32 minutes ago, kerrylewis said:

What can possibly go wrong? 😀

Climbing ladders while half asleep in the dark while looking through binoculars.  No, all good.

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Kerry, not to put a damper on your plans, but some time ago  I was trying to look over my observatory wall with a pair of  binocs and fell off.  Ouch is an underestatment.  Tomorrow morning I'll be driving to a hill a short drive away with a good  NE horizon to look for the comet.

Otherwise, I think your plan is pretty sound.

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To be serious for a moment; I really want to see this comet and above all I want to see a tail! I haven't seen a comet with a tail for years. All the recent ones seem to have been just fuzzy patches. Here's hoping....

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Anecdotally,  NEO has appeared to be a difficult but achievable naked eye object so far.  It's fading but moving to darker more contrasty sky's.  Through binoculars with the extra light gathering potential it seems to be easy.  Find a suitable horizon and a clear patch of weather and all should be good.  Best wishes.

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Just managed to see Neowise with my 11x70 binoculars. Very low in the NE. Absolutely wonderful !!!!!

Just an amazing sight !!!!

Bright nucleus and a long spreading, elegant tail.

Get out there and see it. One of the best, if not the best, comet I've seen in the 30+ years I've been at this hobby :icon_biggrin::icon_biggrin::icon_biggrin:

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1 minute ago, John said:

Just managed to see Neowise with my 11x70 binoculars.

Me too John, was just wondering if it had been worth staying up all night when I found it in 11X70 Opticrons, a proper comet at last, almost convinced myself it was naked eye visible 😁


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