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Case for Imaging rig

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Like many, I have no permanent setup and so have to take my imaging rig down most days after a session and put it away in my garage together with the tripod and mount.

 Obviously I do not strip down all the imaging rig each night so I can store it in the case it came in which means I have to cover it up to keep the dust out and it is rather vulnerable. So I plan to make a wooden box which it all fits in nicely clamped to the base so I can also use it for transporting it as well. I am guessing that many will already have done something similar so I wondered if I could see some examples as I am rather stuck as what to do at the moment and would like a nudge in the right direction..



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Can you give an idea of the case internal size? I think this will help in working out the best approach.
I'm having difficulty getting my head around what the size might be as it depends on the level of strip down.

I might have an idea......


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Are you saying you want to leave it all erected but wheel it in and out?  Sounds like a pretty big case will be needed.


Edited by carastro
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That's what I was going to suggest, though might not be tall enough for the scope even placed horizontally.  I think they do taller versions of this, I will see if I can find one.


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4 hours ago, Carbon Brush said:

Can you give an idea of the case internal size? I think this will help in working out the best approach.
I'm having difficulty getting my head around what the size might be as it depends on the level of strip down.

I might have an idea......


Minimum inside dimensions minimum 950mm X 300 x 300mm


Edited by teoria_del_big_bang
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4 hours ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

Personally, I wouldn't make a wooded one, due to the weight increase, prone to moisture damage etc. I'd look for a flight case & add additional foam as needed e.g. https://www.ebay.co.uk/c/2253749554?iid=400989894791

Yes I have been looking at flight cases, and yes maybe a possibility.


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4 hours ago, carastro said:

Are you saying you want to leave it all erected but wheel it in and out?  Sounds like a pretty big case will be needed.


Just the rig itself, ie what is connected to the dovetail. So 100ED scope, guidescope, Dew band controller, focusser, FW and camera. 


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4 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

A bit big as I still want to store it inside. I also looked at the smaller plastic boxes which may do. 


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8 minutes ago, R26 oldtimer said:

Would need to be twice the height and I have looked at flight cases, but unless 2nd hand they are getting quite expensive hence why I was going to make one.


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I sort of thought that those that do not have an obsy would already be doing something similar.

I am kind of assuming most do not dismantle their scope after every session to put it back in the case as you would have a fair bit of setting up to do next time fitting the guidescope, FW, camera and so on. I just wanted to leave the rig all set up but protected.


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Both my scopes snug in their cases. The small scope is still attached to the mini PC, dew controller etc. Just disconnected the cables for storage. I also bought a couple of blocks of pre cut pluck foam for this.

The Starwave 102 is stored in the solid foam block that comes with these as standard. I just cut it out with a bread knife, nice and snug.


2020-02-08 15.57.47.jpg


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Definitely in the same predicament @teoria_del_big_bang .  I've been muddling through but with vulnerable scope laid out with a dust cover in a place with foot traffic.  I have tended to "leave out" like this if the weather is looking like a good spell of several days (so, rarely!) and I have a more permanent "dust shelter" with another tripod and alt-az mount head.  I attach the scope and whole imaging stuff to this the rest of the time.  It's not great though.  

I've bought pick and pluck foam and i have tried a few case options but the size always gets me - it's the length usually and then the height 😅 I just realise it'll be a fairly BIG box if I can get the right size and then I have to find somewhere for THAT.  I've pushed this back to a summer project to give it more thought... unfortunately that's coming up fast now so this thread is well timed.

19 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

Both my scopes snug in their cases. The small scope is still attached to the mini PC, dew controller etc. Just disconnected the cables for storage. I also bought a couple of blocks of pre cut pluck foam for this.

The Starwave 102 is stored in the solid foam block that comes with these as standard. I just cut it out with a bread knife, nice and snug.

That would be quite exciting opening those boxes each session..... or just any time to be honest 😀

Edited by geeklee
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2 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

Both my scopes snug in their cases. The small scope is still attached to the mini PC, dew controller etc. Just disconnected the cables for storage. I also bought a couple of blocks of pre cut pluck foam for this.

The Starwave 102 is stored in the solid foam block that comes with these as standard. I just cut it out with a bread knife, nice and snug.


2020-02-08 15.57.47.jpg


Nice case and you've done a cracking job on bot of them. 

Looks a nice case and good price, I just feel it may be a ad too small unless I take scope out of the scope rings each session so I can retract the dew shield, then should just fit if the FW fits the width and height. I will measure up again to see if it would do.



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They ain't super quality, the case is glorified disposable baking tray type aluminium tbh. They are ok though. They protect everything from knocks and bumps which is what you want really. The old setup with the guidescope attached was a tight fit. Whatever size you need, you also want some foam around that as well between kit and case.

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6 minutes ago, geeklee said:

Definitely in the same predicament @teoria_del_big_bang .  I've been muddling through but with vulnerable scope laid out with a dust cover in a place with foot traffic.  I have tended to "leave out" like this if the weather is looking like a good spell of several days (so, rarely!) and I have a more permanent "dust shelter" with another tripod and alt-az mount head.  I attach the scope and whole imaging stuff to this the rest of the time.  It's not great though.  

I've bought pick and pluck foam and i have tried a few case options but the size always gets me - it's the length usually and then the height 😅 I just realise it'll be a fairly BIG box if I can get the right size and then I have to find somewhere for THAT.  I've pushed this project back to a summer project to give it more thought... unfortunately that's coming up fast now so this thread is well timed.

That would be quite exciting opening those boxes each session..... or just any time to be honest 😀

Is yours a similar setup then with scope, FW and camera that you want to store. Would be nice to see your setu you are trying to house. I will take a picture of mine so people know what I am loking at.


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20 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

Is yours a similar setup then with scope, FW and camera that you want to store. Would be nice to see your setu you are trying to house. I will take a picture of mine so people know what I am loking at.

It sounds very similar. The closest I've come to full packing in boxes was splitting it in two.  The scope, guidescope (piggy packed), cables, power box etc in one box and the imaging train (flattener, camera etc) connected but packed away in a separate one .  Then connecting these each time.  I wasn't a big fan of this.  

My current scope is a SW Evostar 80ED so I think length of whole train (with focuser in) was looking almost a metre like yourself (with padding included etc).

Funnily enough it's now in "summer mode" with almost the described split above, expect the scope etc is on the alt-az mount  (AZEQ6 is packed away separately) in the "dust shelter" and the camera is packed away.

Edited by geeklee
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