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Martin Chambers

Martin Chambers

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Hi, I'm an absolute beginner just starting out and hoping for some guidance.

I live in NZ and luckily in a remote part of it that has been classified as a Dark Sky environment - no light pollution and very little sky pollution.

I've been looking at ready built scopes and off the shelf primary and secondary mirrors. From the little I have read, I think I would like a 200 mm (8") Dobsonian scope.
is it reasonable to expect that a handyman with some carpentry experience could buld one, or should I just bit the bullet and get a ready made one? I'm retired so time is not an enemy.
Any advice welcomed,

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Hi Peter and thanks for the welcome. living in a registered Dark Sky region is what started this idea off.
I feel I should make the most of it since most of the northern hemisphere people don't have that advantage.
I'll keep doing my research, Martin

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Hi Martin, welcome to SGL. I have a 200mm Skywatcher Dob and I can thoroughly recommend it. If you like building your own gear then why not, the only thing to consider is it would probably cost you more to build than to buy a new or used one.

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Welcome to SGL.

The point of the original Dobsonian design was that people could make their own telescope from materials to hand, rather than buying one of the high-priced equatorial mounted telescopes of the time.  But time has moved on, the 'Dobsonian' has become a commercial ready-made design, telescopes (now mostly made in China) have become far cheaper relative to average wages, and only a few dyed-in-the-wool enthusiasts still make their own telescopes.   As has been mentioned, if you have to buy in components, it could cost more than buying a completed instrument.

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