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3 data stacks to play with during lockdown


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3 hours ago, Xiga said:

Very generous of you Richard to share these with the SGL community. 👏

For those who maybe don't know, Richard is one of the elite-level processors on here, so these should be a joy to process. 

I hope to get around to having a go myself at some point, time permitting. I'm especially interested in the Dusty Taurus one, being that i can't capture it that well with my current setup and skies. 

Ah stop it you're making me blush.

Hope you enjoy the data.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks so much for sharing your data. I'm fully out of Astro-Dark now for several weeks so this was a great opportunity to keep learning.

This is my take on your M31 - stars are a bit oversaturated I guess but plenty time to try a tamed down version.


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Richard, this is truly fantastic data, thank you kindly :) 

I've had a go at your M42 as it was taken with the scope I am looking to buy at some point soon hopefully! I know you have now sold on your Esprit 100 but did you find it a good scope to work with?

Thanks again!


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Hi @Allinthehead Thank you for the data. Very good images and very easy to work with compared with my DSLR images. I'm looking forward to getting my ASI1600mm-pro up and running, waiting for a gap in the clouds...

Anyway here's my attempts on your images, up to half hour or so of processing on each image in photoshop. I found Dusty Taurus a bit difficult at first as I've not processed an image like this before, but I think I got there in the end. Hope they are ok.





Edited by Adam1234
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Well done Richard.  I would have a play but I've got a hefty back log of data to work through as it is.  Some cracking images coming out and interesting to see the different interpretations.

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On 06/06/2020 at 14:51, MartinB said:

Well done Richard.  I would have a play but I've got a hefty back log of data to work through as it is.  Some cracking images coming out and interesting to see the different interpretations.

Agreed, nice to see what others can do with the data.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Graham Darke said:

I had a go at your dusty Taurus data with Star Tools. I really haven't got a clue when it comes to processing but your data is so clean. Thank you for making this available. 


You're welcome, nice job too. I reckon you could do with eliminating some of the green in the image. 

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Hey Richard, thanks for the data, looks stunning and it's very generous of you to offer the files.

I'm considering the Asi 071 or the 2600 for a second rig next to my 1600mm Pro. Can I please ask if there was anything done to the files, i.e: noise reductions or are these raw stacks? Thanks a lot.

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14 minutes ago, b36lbx said:

Hey Richard, thanks for the data, looks stunning and it's very generous of you to offer the files.

I'm considering the Asi 071 or the 2600 for a second rig next to my 1600mm Pro. Can I please ask if there was anything done to the files, i.e: noise reductions or are these raw stacks? Thanks a lot.

These are raw stacks, no processing. If your budget can stretch to the Asi 2600mc go for that, well worth the extra few quid. Better cooling, better colour, reduced reflections around brighter stars, higher qe and 16 bit.

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3 hours ago, Allinthehead said:

These are raw stacks, no processing. If your budget can stretch to the Asi 2600mc go for that, well worth the extra few quid. Better cooling, better colour, reduced reflections around brighter stars, higher qe and 16 bit.

Wow I wasn’t expecting that answer, the Orion file looks so clean, so much cleaner than what I get out of the 1600 with more integration time.

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I finally had a go at your Taurus data. Very nice and fun to process. Mainly done in PS (except SCNRgreen in PI). I gave the colours a bost initially by using curves in Lab Color mode in PS, so I ended up with a bit more colourful version than most here. So at least it is a bit different.

Thanks again Richard! No astrodarkness here for two more months.

Is it OK if I post it on my Astrobin, with full credits of course?

Dusty_Taurus PS35(reduced blue in dust).jpg

Edited by gorann
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Thanks again Richard, a good selection of targets requiring different processing techniques. My processing was mainly in Photoshop (and by the looks of the Taurus Molecular Cloud, primarily on the saturation slider) ...

Cheers, Sam





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2 minutes ago, SamK said:

Thanks again Richard, a good selection of targets requiring different processing techniques.

My pleasure Sam. You've got some psychedelic taste there. I like what you've done with Orion, gives a different perspective.

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Gosh this is v kind of you @Allinthehead.  Having had a glass of white wine (or few) & a lovely dinner, here's my v amateurish hackery.  Apologies.  Tbh my breath was taken away just seeing the DBE image in PI - I'd probably be happy with just that if it was one of mine!


Dusty_Taurus_DBE_amateurish hackery.png

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7 hours ago, Allinthehead said:

Great colour in that Goran. Yes eagerly awaiting astrodark here, about six weeks away for me.

Not a bother, post away.

Thanks Richard. I have now stocked up with a RASA8 and ASI2600 waiting for darkness to arrive, with the hope to catch this kind of WF data.

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Found a bit info on the Taurus Molecular Cloud. The large dark nebula in the centre is Barnard 7, surrounding LBN 782, a blue reflection nebula. To the left is vdB 27, lit up by the young variable star RY Tauri. Another reflection nebula to the right is illuminated by CW Tauri, also a variable. In the bottom right the eliptical galaxy IC 359 shines through the dust from 186 light years away.

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Thanks again for sharing this.  I thought I'd try again w Andromeda this time.  Two down-sampled images below.  I think I prefer the darker one b/c the core is less blown out (but there are less foreground stars as a result too).  The two images evoke such different feelings - one slightly more serene & elegant perhaps, the other more like a swirling galactic mass with lots of hustle & bustle.  Or is that just me anthropomorphising things! 😂

Stay safe all,


Andromeda_hack 2.png

Andromeda_hack 1.png

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  • 1 month later...

This should be done much more , sharing data. hereby my  version of your Orion

done a bit like i am currently used to do playing a lot with masks and curvetransformation,... in pixinsight and than saving it as a TIFF , opening Darktable and looking what it gives if i pull the highlightslider,...


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