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In Search of Spiral Arms in the Brightest Galaxies, 2nd pass completed... (Night Vision)


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Equipment Used:

Scope: 20” f3.6 Lukehurst Dob with Paracorr (fl = 2089mm & f4.1).

Night Vision: PVS-14 with Photonis 4g INTENS.

Eyepiece: Plossl 55mm (f2 x38).



In spring 2019 I created a Sky Safari observing list of 214 highest brightness galaxies in the night sky above.

I have observed 134 of the 214 (the others have not been well placed over my garden when I have been outside).

In my first pass through these 134 galaxies, they were graded 0-3 (where 3 means "clear spiral arms" and 0 means "nothing to see here!")

I have now completed a second pass through the grade 2 and grade 3 galaxies. This has resulted in some movement between bands based on my now greater experience and having a better idea of what I expect to see.

My latest graded lists contain 38 grade 3 galaxies and 30 grade 2 galaxies (when combined this gives a list of the best galaxies to view when using military night vision technology combined with a low power eyepiece (using the TeleVue PVS-14 adapter).

[Note that lower power eyepieces give the best spiral arm results as they “increase the effective focal ratio” of the telescope/night vision system which really helps increase the detail seen at the eyepiece.]

As we are still in galaxy season 2020, now seemed a good time to re-publish my findings so others have the opportunity to observe some of these fantastic galaxies before they become “unavailable” for another 10 months…


Grade 3 galaxies (the best of the best).

  1. M51
  2. M61
  3. M64
  4. M65
  5. M66
  6. M81
  7. M90
  8. M91
  9. M94
  10. M95
  11. M96
  12. M99
  13. M100
  14. M101
  15. M106
  16. M109
  17. NGC891
  18. NGC2403
  19. NGC2903
  20. NGC3184
  21. NGC3628
  22. NGC3631
  23. NGC3726
  24. NGC3893
  25. NGC3953
  26. NGC4051
  27. NGC4216
  28. NGC4274
  29. NGC4449
  30. NGC4559
  31. NGC4565
  32. NGC4618
  33. NGC4725
  34. NGC5248
  35. NGC5371
  36. NGC5746
  37. NGC5907
  38. NGC6946


Grade 2 galaxies (good but the arms are not quite there…)

  1. M82
  2. M88
  3. M98
  4. M104
  5. NGC2537
  6. NGC2768
  7. NGC3294
  8. NGC3344
  9. NGC3373
  10. NGC3596
  11. NGC3646
  12. NGC3675
  13. NGC3718
  14. NGC3729
  15. NGC3813
  16. NGC3938
  17. NGC4013
  18. NGC4214
  19. NGC4293
  20. NGC4389
  21. NGC4490
  22. NGC4517
  23. NGC4535
  24. NGC4625
  25. NGC4762
  26. NGC5005
  27. NGC5364
  28. NGC5383
  29. NGC5775
  30. NGC6015

Hopefully someone will find this useful information, next time they plan a galaxy observing session...

Note that my dobsonian uses an Astrodevices Nexus unit which I control using Sky Safari. Here are my exported observing lists (which you can import into your Sky Safari app should you wish to do so?)

Grade 3 Galaxies.skylist

Grade 2 Galaxies.skylist

1. email them to your phone/ipad,

2. read the email on your mobile device and after clicking on the attachment, you should be offered the chance to “send to Sky Safari” by your email app…

3.Sky Safari will open and give a message “Observing List Created”.


Clear Skies,



Edited by alanjgreen
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