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Galloway Autumn Star Camp 2020


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Hi all,

Unless there is a complete disaster, I strongly suspect that this event will go ahead.....fingers crossed. 
With that in mind and without wanting to put a dampener on anything, do we need to put some basic rules in place??....I’m talking about things like sharing/looking through other people’s scopes and eyepieces. At other star parties I’ve been to it can be quite normal to share/borrow equipment which is obviously a good thing......normally, but may not be appropriate for this occasion.

Whats everyone’s thoughts on this??

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Hi Jiggy,


I have thought of these things and as I did say earlier we will have to respect social distancing.

As we are meeting in a field so that should pose no problems.

I do not want to try to lay down the law, as I would be inappropriate. We are adults and responsible people so it must to some extent be up to us to use common sense.

I for one will still be using a mask when appropriate and as I did say the warm room will be probably restricted to around 4/5 people, with masks on.


I strongly suggest everyone purchases plenty of masks for their own and others protection.

At present they are easily available at Home Bargains, around the area where I live, for a couple of pounds for 6 masks. These can be sprayed with disinfectant and reused when dry.



This will depend upon how the site owner Lesley wants to proceed. She has to abide by what ever the Law at that time warrants.


A lot of things can change between now and the start of the Star Camp. To be quite honest I think it is way too early to try to set down any real expectations as yet. If you want to look through another  members eyepiece it will depend upon their and your common sense. They may want or not,  to disinfect the eyepiece as the case may be.

That will depend upon if the eyepiece is water proof, or if it can  be damaged by cleaning. Personally and using common sense  I would say NO to that at the present time.


My idea and hope is to enjoy a Star Camp with as little chance of cross contamination as possible.

We can have a safe camp with 2 or more metres distance between us, after all it is in a field !

As a physicist the obvious thought is that a virus possibly expelled in the breath/cough will expand as a cone of air mixture based on 1/r^3, this also depends upon many other factors including wind direction / strength of wind!

To give a simple idea of what this means,  at 1 metre the chance of possible infected particles reaching that distance is 1/1, at 2 metres 1/8, at 3 metres 1/27. and so on.

So at 2 metres 1 in 8 chances but at 3 metres 1 in 27 chances.

Difference at 3 metres 1/27th the chance of catching the virus. You decide your own fate! I know what I will do......


I hopefully intend to order up pies and cook up gravy and peas for the Pie and Peas night. To do this it will take care and socially sensible precautions.

As I am married to a woman who spent over 40 years as  State Registered  Nurse/Sister, I will follow her directions, mixed with Covid-19 related  COMMON SENSE !

Any ideas from those attending are welcome.



Stay Safe everyone.🙂




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11 hours ago, Uplooker said:

Another short response, Derek?

Yeh, I watched the episode of “Friends” last night where Ross falls asleep reading Rachel’s letter (18 pages, front and back!!).....I did think of Derek 😀

Edited by Jiggy 67
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  • 2 weeks later...

hi Derek, camp site is open now,we were meant to be there this week  but due to unforeseen  circumstances I fell and broke my ankle on the way down and ended up in stranrear a&e, went down to let Lesley know we would have to cancel holiday and the site looks nice. hopefully all will be well for astro camp. hope you guys are all well.

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24 minutes ago, jamie56 said:

hi Derek, camp site is open now,we were meant to be there this week  but due to unforeseen  circumstances I fell and broke my ankle on the way down and ended up in stranrear a&e, went down to let Lesley know we would have to cancel holiday and the site looks nice. hopefully all will be well for astro camp. hope you guys are all well.

Hi Jamie, that’s a bad job! Hope you are holding up alright. Was there drink taken or were you just an eejit? 

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Well that's a shock! I hope you were not in too much pain Jim. Nasty thing to break an ankle.  I hope Dawn is looking after you well 🥃🥃🥃

My neighbour over the road fell about 10 days ago and she broke both wrists. Had to have plates inserted to aid the healing. So I hope you don't need an opperation like that.

 I know the camp site is now open. I spoke to Lesley a couple of weeks ago and she was taking bookings.

I haven't posted anything as nothing new to report.

I will give you a bell later on ☎️

Look after yourself.


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Hi Derek,

Damian is correct the answer is 42... calculated by an enormous supercomputer named Deep Thought over a period of 7.5 million years, from the Hitchhuker's Guide to the Galaxy.                  So       Don't Panic everything will be alright on the night......

I agree lets wait and see what the conditions are, remember some of us will have been self-isolating on site for 7 days before others arrive.....

Lets enjoy the rest of the Summer.



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Just booked a caravan near Castle Douglas for a few nights away at the end of July.

Mainly just sight seeing and walking in the area and conquering Merrick as we failed due to the storm Ellen last time!! 

Edited by mapstar
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On 19/07/2020 at 17:56, Uplooker said:

Hi Jamie, that’s a bad job! Hope you are holding up alright. Was there drink taken or were you just an eejit? 

Hi Ian just an eejit

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