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Galloway Autumn Star Camp 2020


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Excellent news, be nice to meet you James.



I think that's correct so far. Looking good for the Autumn turnout.



Edited by Physopto
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Great news Dai, looking forwards to our meet up and chat again.

Now you have found a source of long range weather forecasting It had better be RIGHT !! As we will all be counting on you.....🤔


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Derek and everyone.

We have just booked today with Lesley and the with the IOM Steam Packet for the GSP Autumn Event.

Plan to be there just after lunch on Sunday 11th October and stay until Tuesday 20th October 2020.

Best regards,

Christina and Hadyn - IOM


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On 15/02/2020 at 18:35, james123 said:

Aye Derek be nice to meet u and all the other people going. Ps my mrs is going to

Great news James. More the better. You will find we are a welcoming bunch.

Not sure if I have it correct but looks like there are now about 😎😂🤣🌚😊🤔🙂😃😁😺😇😉+👧👩‍🦱🙅‍♀️

Last one is the missus ( Oh No !) 🤣


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55 minutes ago, james123 said:

I'm staying till the 20th to Hayden. But can't get down till the 15th. Aye there's a few going now Derek. Cant remember if I met u last year was down that way and popped over on the thursday and sat night

Hi James

I think we did meet up. It will be great to see everyone again in October.

Christina and Hadyn - IOM

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Oh dear,

Just looked up the dates.  I had to cancel last year's Autmn camp because my wife had an eye operation.  And I'm going to miss this year as well - I booked for Kelling Heath when I was there last September.  And this Autumn it's in October - same week 😢

Maybe 2021



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Thanks,Derek, that will be very useful.

You may like to know that Loughton has listed provisional Autumn dates for Kelling Heath 2021 and 2022:  4-11 Oct 2021; 20-27 Sep 2022

Just out of interest (prompted by Jiggy;s New Moon data) I have a little Windows calendar program on my web site software page, which gives Moon phases.  Might be useful.  A bit over half way down the page - linked to a download.



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9 hours ago, petevasey said:

Thanks,Derek, that will be very useful.

You may like to know that Loughton has listed provisional Autumn dates for Kelling Heath 2021 and 2022:  4-11 Oct 2021; 20-27 Sep 2022

Just out of interest (prompted by Jiggy;s New Moon data) I have a little Windows calendar program on my web site software page, which gives Moon phases.  Might be useful.  A bit over half way down the page - linked to a download.



Hi Peter,

Thanks for the information. I am sure it will be useful to myself and others. I tend to use the moon phase data from inside The SkyX, but I will give yours a go. 

I have set and agreed dates for next years star parties with Lesley, but want to wait a short while before publication, just to be sure that there are no complications/clashes for the Drumroamin site. 

So any of our attendees reading this keep an eye out !!!


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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,

With reference to Scotland's Premier Star Camp at Drumroamin grounds this Autumn 2020.



I am keeping an eye on all the Covid-19 events around  Great Britain.

As we all know it is a rather dire situation at present. Early predictions have changed so much, that I am now expecting that we may even have to cancel the Autumn event altogether.

I obviously hope that this is not the case, but I have to be sensible and warn everyone of the possibility.

Yes I know you maybe well aware and I am not trying to teach granny to suck eggs 🤣

BUT I and I am sure, that neither I or any of you will have anything to do with taking any avoidable chance of causing a further spread of the virus, either between us astronomers, or the wider general public. (We definitely cannot afford to jeopardise our hosts Lesley and Ralph).



The way it looks at present,  is that there may be a slim chance of the Star Camp if the virus related infections drop off to very low numbers, but unfortunately I suspect this situation may well take us beyond the Christmas and New Year period and well into next year.




There are many of the general public thinking of venturing out because they have been asked to stay at home for a good while.

In truth it is a very short period although extremely damaging to finances and very bad for businesses, many of whom may well go out of existence altogether.

Many of the general public are awaiting the Governments announcements to start allowing an end to the Lock Down.

But I am also acutely aware of all the Nightingale Hospitals being built around the country, of a truly staggering capacity!!

I have a bad feeling that the second Covid-19 wave may be even worse, hence all these new hospitals. I hope that is not the case, but China is now seeing a second wave!

Well enough of the Doom and Gloom




At present we are all in the doldrums and no one knows what will happen in reality.


So I will watch carefully and report back as and when I can.


One idea is if the infections drop well off, we may be able to still have a well spaced out and socially responsible Star Camp.


BUT,  even if all seems well closer to the date, it will require all of us to socially distance in and around the camping field. Social gatherings may well have to be carried out, in the cold out side the warm room and at some distance!


One has to believe that a strict socially distanced Star Camp is better than nothing at all.


This is not what I ever expected to be saying when I took over the planning and organisation of the camps and I am sorry to be saying any of this, BUT I firmly believe  we must be sensible and safe for all our sakes.


It is still early days as yet, but I do like to be prepared for the worst, whilst hoping for the best.



All my best wishes to everyone wishing to attend the star camp and all members in SGL, STAY SAFE !


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It will be a real shame if this doesn’t go ahead, really looking forward to it but the safety of everyone and the NHS has to come first. Hopefully it won’t come to that and we’ll all be sipping a scotch under clear skies!!

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2 hours ago, Jiggy 67 said:

It will be a real shame if this doesn’t go ahead, really looking forward to it but the safety of everyone and the NHS has to come first. Hopefully it won’t come to that and we’ll all be sipping a scotch under clear skies!!

We all have to have hope for the future 🔭🌌🔭🌌🔭🌌🔭🌌🔭🌌


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Hi, Guys,

Not looking good, is it 😔  I'm not actually booked for this one - I had already booked Kelling Heath.  That may not happen either.  But I AM booked for next March.  So fingers crossed for then.  I do (did!) a lot of singing, two main choirs and a Summer residential course on Holy Island in July.  That's not looking at all likely.  At my age (76) I just can't take the chance.  When things first started kicking off I was rather incensed that being fit and well I was considered 'at risk'.  But now we know that apparently fit and well much younger people can be very ill and sadly die, I'm not so confident!   So I'll not be mixing with any groups until I've either had the bug and survived or preferably been vaccinated.  God help us and the rest of the world if vaccines aren't readily available by next March.   Very frustrating, but at least I've got reasonably dark skies here.  Pity that I'm almost into twilight nights until August.  Heigh Ho!

Cheers and keep well


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Hi Peter,

Yes it is a bummer in truth. I am a few behind you, 70 in  a couple of months time. I feel just as you do. You are right awaiting a vaccine is the best option, but it could be months to years in coming! So I will weigh up the chances as and when the situation changes and keep everyone informed.

I do not want this to turn into a Covid-19 talk or discussion, I only posted the situation as I see it to let folk know what our chances are well in advance, but I/we need to be sensible. We all need to plan for the time if we cannot have a Star Camp. I am hopeful that it will take place, maybe with strict restrictions placed on us all for everyone's safety, we will just have to see what happens in the coming months.

Still try and look on the right side 🔭😃🌌

By the way Peter although we have never met in person, we both belong to the SSAS I believe 😃


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Thank you for all your work and considerations on this matter. It is fair to say that people who try to predict the future usually get it wrong. Just need to watch and see what happens.

I hope you and Annette are safe and well in these strange times.

Thanks again 

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Thanks Ian.

I hope you and the missus are OK. As you say we will just wait.

But still planning for things at the camp. Ahhhh! Bisto Oops Err .......Pies and Peas 🤣

But we will need the Dobsonian Dual Purpose Pie Measuring Device to check if everything meets the required specifications. Not sure if Damian, the devices  Inventor has got the Gravy Viscosity Machine Adaption  addition working as yet. He has been very quiet on this so far. Even the South Shields Astronomical Gazette has not been able to get any info. Very strange!

Oh well onwards we go.


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Hi, Derek,

"By the way Peter although we have never met in person, we both belong to the SSAS I believe " 

Yes indeed.  Although, living in Hexham I rarely get to meetings.    I was hoping for a couple of hours imaging tonight before twilight takes over until August.  Looking North out of my window it is crystal clear towards the horizon, but a solid bank of cloud stretches South from above me.  Perhaps we should be in Galloway at the moment.  There again, looking closely at the Sat24 image, Drumroamin could be suffering the same frustration - its latitude is almost identical!   But perhaps it's just escaping the clouds.  Never mind, the gravy on my Sunday roast chicken had exactly the right viscosity 😋 

Added a little later - do you know if we're allowed to fly small quadcopters (drones) at Drumroamin?  I got a basic one recently (Hubsan H501S) which I can fly here, backing onto open fields.  (So long as I don't upset the farmer!)  Great fun and helps to relieve the lockdown boredom.

Keep well



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