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Horsey & Flame - Final


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Turned out I only had 4 x 8Min subs, the 5th one had a plane flying straight through it!

Here is the best I can do, I think this needs loads more subs but not bad for only 32mins.


ED80/WOFFII/350d(Unmodded) @ ISO1600

Guided with the ZS66/DSI

This is a crop as I cannot seem to get rid of the amp glow, even with darks :)


(click to enlarge)

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Great capture Craig and with an unmodded camera :thumbright: , excellent stuff.

Waiting for another clear night to give the HH another go, I would be well pleased with a similar result, I suspect your 8 min subs have helped a lot in getting the great result.


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Thanks for all the positive comments, I am pretty happy with the final image, but I think I will keep gathering more subs. See if I can get a couple of hours on it.

I found out why I have amp glow, I had a 5min sub and it had no dark frame :)

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Damn thats nice - especially for an unmodded camera.

I had a go myself last night, the results are errr rubbish.

Can I ask a few questions...?

Would the set of 8 minute darks not remove the noise from the 5 minute sub as well? If not then I have made a fundemental error on almost every image i've ever taken :)

Did you use a LP filter?

Can I have a look at one of your RAW's please?

My subs were only 5 minutes (misread your post last night) but were quite bright even with the LP filter. So I think that 5 minutes are the top of what I could do! Unless I knock the ISO down to 800.

My image has a longer overall exposure than yours but in shorter subs and it's nothing like as good as yours.

Nice one


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I think as DSS had 2 sets of subs of diffrent length it only used the 8min dark on the 8min subs and nothing on the 5 min one. It looked a lot better anyway!

I use an Orion 2" LPR and yep it was quite bright but with a bit of editing I managed to get what you see above.

I am at work at the moment but dont have a problem sending you through a sub when I get home, you want a jpg one or do you have some way of me seding the large raw frame?

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Hi Mate,

A JPG will be fine. I'd like to compare subs - at least that way I'd know if I'm falling down on the capture side of things or the processing - or both :)

I got nothing like your image!



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