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Jupiter tonight (22.07.19) + NGC 6235

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Just a quick heads up. The GRS should transit tonight at 21.30pm. Io's shadow should start at 20.24 and ends at 22.38 all BST.

I am also mentioning this because NGC 6235 should be in the FOV as well. A GC although not the normal appearance of a GC but at mag 10.1 should be visible with Jupiter. Worth a go if it stays clear.

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Thanks Mark. Got the GRS and Shadow with the dob now. Seeing isn’t bad. Getting good detail at 170x. Lovely and warm. Just in my shorts and t-shirt. Forecast looking good for the night. 

Edit: Both clear in the Equinox 80 too at similar magnification

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Thanks very much for this Mark, would totally have missed this if you hadn't posted.

Both very clear in the 8", a bit of wobble to the seeing but not too bad at all. Lovely jet black shadow and GRS clear too. Didn't catch Io until it started to bulge a fraction, then it was clear to me. Just clearing the limb a few minutes ago as Neil said. Best transit I've seen this opposition.

I even caught them both in the Telementor! Not so easy, mainly because of my floaters actually but still clearly visible.

Jupiter has gone behind a tree now so I think I will call it a night. Getting eaten alive too which isn't pleasant!

Thanks again Mark.

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2 minutes ago, Stu said:

Yep, tracked it most of the way across in the Telementor. Solar panels very clear.

I just played chase the station with the dob and 9mm Lunt XWA. It’s so quick but can pick out the shape of the solar panels quite easily. 

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2 minutes ago, Stu said:

Jupiter out from behind the tree now :)

Mozzies still biting!

Shadow heading for the limb ahead of the GRS. Couple of festoons visible too I think.

I think see the festoons too. Coming up from the same belt as the shadow? With one very a third of the way across and the other roughly two thirds, may be a little less?

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Festoons??? I was delighted to catch the shadow and GRS!

The seeing here is pretty wobbly, but worth persevering with for the fleeting moments of clarity. Plenty of texture in the belts. Not sure that I can claim a definite festoon though. I’ll be popping back out for Saturn in a bit.😁


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10 minutes ago, Littleguy80 said:

I think see the festoons too. Coming up from the same belt as the shadow? With one very a third of the way across and the other roughly two thirds, may be a little less?

Sounds about right Neil. They weren't extending far into the equatorial band so a little harder to pick up but definitely there.

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