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IC 1396 - WO RedCat 51


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I shot this over 6 nights. We had an amazing go of clear nights in a row. Now it's all rain until next week. But while it was clear, I managed two nights per filter on my newest scope. A total of ~ 760 3 min images. I think the total imaging time was 37.8 hours. Shot it through my newest scope the RedCat 51mm. It did well, but could have used a belt focuser. I managed to get one together from Moonlite, but only just after imaging this. The scope was able to hold focus a good bit of the night, but the quality curve looked like a swan dive towards the end as the scope lost focus at the end of the night each night. I got out my old trusty AVX to manage the aiming parts of the setup. Guided by an old Orion SSAG I had lying around and a recently acquired ZWO Mini guide scope since it matches the RedCat so well. But I think I'm going to need to swap out the guide cam for something with smaller pixels. Overall though, it worked.  Main camera was ZWO ASI 1600 MMC. I used 5nm Astrodon filters.



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