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What DSO’s to view in July 2019

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Very big and very faint too. I'm under Bortle 6 or 7 skies and it is difficult from here, although possible if you know what you are looking for. If M27 is faint then the Veil is a whole new level I think!

Best bet is to centre on 52 Cygni and try to pick up the brighter part of the Witch's broomstick. You can then own across to the Eastern Veil which is actually a bit brighter. The circle here is 2 degrees. As you can see, quite possible to look right through the middle of it, but each section will fit easily.

Screenshot_20190714-092527_SkySafari 6 Pro.jpg

Screenshot_20190714-092455_SkySafari 6 Pro.jpg

Screenshot_20190714-092506_SkySafari 6 Pro.jpg

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Just reading that Telescopius website. Very useful. It shows the ring was mag 8.8 and the dumbbell 7.4. Sounds about right. Except for it says M13 is only 5.8 and it stood out the most to me. 

What to go for next time? More globs? Any more nebulae or even galaxies? I don’t think I’m going to do the veil for a bit as there isn’t much point by the sounds of it until I have an oiii filter. I need to get a longer extension tube first so i can use my larger eyepieces.

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2 hours ago, MSammon said:

Just reading that Telescopius website. Very useful. It shows the ring was mag 8.8 and the dumbbell 7.4. Sounds about right. Except for it says M13 is only 5.8 and it stood out the most to me. 

What to go for next time? More globs? Any more nebulae or even galaxies? I don’t think I’m going to do the veil for a bit as there isn’t much point by the sounds of it until I have an oiii filter. I need to get a longer extension tube first so i can use my larger eyepieces.

The magnitude scale is logarithmic and in reverse ie smaller magnitudes are brighter. Every change of 1 magnitude represents 2.5 times the brightness, so a mag 1 star is 100 times brighter than a mag 6 star if I remember correctly.

Size of object makes a difference too. The Ring is dimmer, but it is much smaller so the light is more concentrated; what's called its surface brightness is higher so it is easier to see. The Veil's light is spread over a much larger area so it is much harder to see.

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This surface brightness vs concentrated / integrated brightness thing is worth getting your head around. There are many deep sky objects which turn out to be a lot harder to see than you think they ought to be, especially if there is some light pollution about, because they are extended objects and their actual surface brightness is a lot lower than the integrated figure that is given for them. Messier 33, the Triangulum Galaxy is a good example. It's listed as magnitude 5.7 but it's face on and an extended object with a surface magnitude a lot lower so it's easy to miss it altogether and be scratching your head over why you can't see an "easy" mag 5 object.


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On 14/07/2019 at 02:36, John said:

The Veil is big, very big. You will need to do it one segment at a time with the 12 inch dob at your lowest power. The Eastern Veil is the brighter segment:


Wow... I love this kind of map. It gives you an idea of the scale of what you re supposed to see. Where is it comming from? Do you have some similar maps for other DSOs?

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On 14/07/2019 at 12:46, MSammon said:

Just reading that Telescopius website. Very useful. It shows the ring was mag 8.8 and the dumbbell 7.4. Sounds about right. Except for it says M13 is only 5.8 and it stood out the most to me. 

What to go for next time? More globs? Any more nebulae or even galaxies? I don’t think I’m going to do the veil for a bit as there isn’t much point by the sounds of it until I have an oiii filter. I need to get a longer extension tube first so i can use my larger eyepieces.

How about the Andromeda Galaxy... Huge, easy to find and very rewarding!

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3 hours ago, Raph-in-the-sky said:

Wow... I love this kind of map. It gives you an idea of the scale of what you re supposed to see. Where is it comming from? Do you have some similar maps for other DSOs?

It's a Stellarium (PC version) screenshot. 

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On 03/07/2019 at 06:53, Stu said:

Good stuff Mike. Did you stick some power on on it? A 10" should be able to resolve stars a long way into the core, and show you the Propeller shape within it. Take some time observing and using averted vision to see what you can see.

Stu, I know I’ve already replied to this but I can’t work out how you knew my name was Mike? 😂 I need to change my username I didn’t realise how annoying my abbreviation would be. Prefer to be addressed as Mike! 

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29 minutes ago, MSammon said:

Stu, I know I’ve already replied to this but I can’t work out how you knew my name was Mike? 😂 I need to change my username I didn’t realise how annoying my abbreviation would be. Prefer to be addressed as Mike! 

Tee hee, perhaps I'm stalking you? 🤣🤣

Well, our paths may have crossed on social media somewhere, discussing similar topics..... 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 14/08/2019 at 01:54, darkskyastronomy said:

July is good for Jupiter and Saturn, as well as all of the Messiers around Scorpius and Sagittarius.

It's warm, but the nights are short and not fully dark.

Yes but they’re so low it’s frustrating. I saw Jupiter through an 18” dob in the alps a couple of weeks ago it was like looking at a bowl of Angel Delight at the other end of the table 😜. After 5 minutes had just about made out 6 bands. No festoons. 

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On 16/08/2019 at 09:29, Mr niall said:

Yes but they’re so low it’s frustrating. I saw Jupiter through an 18” dob in the alps a couple of weeks ago it was like looking at a bowl of Angel Delight at the other end of the table 😜. After 5 minutes had just about made out 6 bands. No festoons. 

I'm just glad to be able to see them...even if the viewing is sub par..

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On 14/07/2019 at 09:32, Stu said:

Very big and very faint too. I'm under Bortle 6 or 7 skies and it is difficult from here, although possible if you know what you are looking for. If M27 is faint then the Veil is a whole new level I think!

Best bet is to centre on 52 Cygni and try to pick up the brighter part of the Witch's broomstick. You can then own across to the Eastern Veil which is actually a bit brighter. The circle here is 2 degrees. As you can see, quite possible to look right through the middle of it, but each section will fit easily.

Screenshot_20190714-092527_SkySafari 6 Pro.jpg

Screenshot_20190714-092455_SkySafari 6 Pro.jpg

Screenshot_20190714-092506_SkySafari 6 Pro.jpg

Sorry to be off topic, but out of curiosity, what app is that mate?



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3 hours ago, MKHACHFE said:

Sorry to be off topic, but out of curiosity, what app is that mate?



It's Skysafari Pro, but Plus does the same thing in terms of being able to put the field of view circles over the targets.

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On 20/08/2019 at 10:20, rwilkey said:

Hi Mike, that's how we all started, little steps lead to great rewards, good luck!

Yep. When I started earlier this year I would go whole sessions without finding anything. 

I have to say that game changed ENTIRELY for me after buying a 9x50 RA finder. Not only can I find almost everything I'm looking for now, using stellarium to navigate along with the finder makes the hunting process FUN. 


A little trick is to see what's the brightest visible star you can see through the finder (not naked eye) the change the setting in stellarium to remove all stars that are dimmer . That way, you won't get too lost navigating with your lovely RA finder. 



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On 23/08/2019 at 13:47, kirkster501 said:

Critical you have your finder and main scope aligned.  Extremely frustrating if they are not.

Absolutely, i centre them both every session. It takes 30 secs with the 2 knobs on the RA finder. 

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