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Imaging with the Samyang 135mm f2

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41 minutes ago, powerlord said:

I'm on a SY135 run at the mo, so here's the 3 shot and finished so far in last few days in one place (also posted in DSO imaging). Definately glad I bought this wee lens.


They are stunning images 

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Latest image with the Samyang 135. Crescent & Tulip Nebula with lots of stuff surrounding them.

Taken with my Atik 383L+ mono, approx 2.5 hours in each narrowband channel.

Processed as SHO in pixinsight.

Having lots of fun with this lens.


Cres & tulip small.png

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The colour scheme wasn't planned. Processing is my least favourite aspect of astrophotography. So I tend to process quite quickly and stop as soon as I get something I'm happy with.

I used SHO-AIP to mix the channels, did a bit of SCNR to reduce the green and this popped out, liked the colours so kept it....


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I’ve not added to this thread for a long time.  But I still love this lens.  Here’s an image from last Thursday night - the California Nebula and Pleiades and all the glorious muck in between!

📷 Canon 6D (astro-modded) with Samyang 135mm at f/2.8 on a Star Adventurer
🔧 164 x 2min exposures at ISO800 with flats and darks
🎞 Stacked in Sequator. Edited in PS and LR.

Hope you enjoy!  I don’t do much proper deep sky, but this is the deepest image I’ve ever taken.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well... its been a LONG time coming... but I've finally gotten round to testing the new 135 (yes, this is my 4th!).

And, unlike the third (which was a bit of a lemon), this one is a keeper. No stopping down on this, I want warp factor 10 please!


Just 3x10min to test. But the corners look acceptable, gawd... cant be any worse than the last one...lol.

No calibration... just a test stack to see whats what, looks like I got the spacing kinda right with the mark just landing on the "L"  (close enough).


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7 hours ago, Uranium235 said:

Well... its been a LONG time coming... but I've finally gotten round to testing the new 135 (yes, this is my 4th!).

And, unlike the third (which was a bit of a lemon), this one is a keeper. No stopping down on this, I want warp factor 10 please!


Just 3x10min to test. But the corners look acceptable, gawd... cant be any worse than the last one...lol.

No calibration... just a test stack to see whats what, looks like I got the spacing kinda right with the mark just landing on the "L"  (close enough).


Mine has a shocking corner it’s so annoying I considered getting another one in the Black Friday sale as new on Amazon is £329! 

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4 hours ago, Simon Pepper said:

Mine has a shocking corner it’s so annoying I considered getting another one in the Black Friday sale as new on Amazon is £329! 

Have you tried it on another camera? If its consistent, then you know its the lens. You can still shift it on (for daylight phtography) to MPB for a decent-ish sum.

I havent tried stopping down the lens yet, it might help with the vignetting. But like the first two I had, I want it running wide open as much as poss.

A sammy for 329? i'd be cautious about that... Id ask myself "where is it coming from?", "how will it be treated on its trip?". These lenses do not like being knocked about, i made the mistake of "going cheaper" once, and got a lemon... I knew something was wrong when it took over a month to arrive.

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3 minutes ago, Uranium235 said:

Have you tried it on another camera? If its consistent, then you know its the lens. You can still shift it on (for daylight phtography) to MPB for a decent-ish sum.

I havent tried stopping down the lens yet, it might help with the vignetting. But like the first two I had, I want it running wide open as much as poss.

Hi Rob,

No I have not actually I have a DSLR and another dedicated camera so good shout will give that a go. Stopping it down didn't work for me at least to F5.6 I think I went to... Ill try the other camera :)



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I am wondering if some most all some of the problems with bad corners are down to the camera, any modified DSLR will likely be miles out at F2 unless its been calibrated on an optical bench, same as a dedicated CCD/CMOS with a bunch of adapters in the image train.


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9 minutes ago, Alien 13 said:

I am wondering if some most all some of the problems with bad corners are down to the camera, any modified DSLR will likely be miles out at F2 unless its been calibrated on an optical bench, same as a dedicated CCD/CMOS with a bunch of adapters in the image train.


Yes, if a DSLR is modded, it needs to be re-shimmed - I had to do it with my 1000d. I worked out how thick each shim should be (compared to the originals), and made new ones with feeler guages. Kept the original shims though, safely inside a box marked "do not open!" :D

Any problems could be camera or adaptor related. The less adaptors you use, the better. Mine is just set up with an M48-T2, plus one delrin spacer - roughly ~8.5mm in total. The remaining 35.56mm is taken up by the cam and FW.

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Cygnus Loop.

Ha data was taken a couple of years ago with my Atik 383 and a canon 70 -200 F4 zoom (@ 135mm).

The OIII & SII were taken recently with the same CCD but this time with my Samyang 135mm.

Processed in Pixinsight as SHO (all channels were 5min subs and about 30ish images each).

The OIII & SII were taken during a bright moon, but Pixinsight removed the gradients OK.

Image is cropped a bit as the framing was different for the Ha.


Cygnus Loop.png

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A familiar target with this great lens. 78 x 30” at f2.8 & iso 400 with a modded Canon eos 100d on a star adventurer. Battery gave out after 80 subs (I was away from the mains under dark Cotswolds skies). Moon 11%. Suggested improvements welcome!



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Couple from last night. D5600 stock, SY135, Fornax LT2, no guiding

4 minute subs, ISO 200. Have to spend more time on the Orion widefield as there's 2hrs+ good data hidden there




ON Siril-2.jpg

Edited by 900SL
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13 minutes ago, 900SL said:

Couple from last night. D5600 stock, SY135, Fornax LT2, no guiding

4 minute subs, ISO 200. Have to spend more time on the Orion widefield as there's 2hrs+ good data hidden there




I especially love the Pleiades picture. Very nice.

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Small Propeller Nebula

Another bit of Cygnus (this time pointing at the Propeller Nebula).

Same setup as all the others I have posted recently:-

Atik 383L, Samyang 135mm, Narrowband SHO process in Pixinsight.

Probably going to move the CCD to my WO FLT 98 for the next images.  so will post any new pics in "Deepsky Imaging"



Propeller Neb.png

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